Merged 3x: You got your wish/Rodney Harrison out for the year | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged 3x: You got your wish/Rodney Harrison out for the year

Rodney Harrison gone for the year!!

It is a shame to see such an amazing competitor go down. I personally do not like to have my team helped by an injury. I wish Harrison the best with his rehab and hope he comes back strong next year.

I feel for the Pats, they are a class organization who have lost two of their defensive leaders in a few months time!
FaninPatsyLand said:
I was not offered any sympathy after last year's trainwreck... now the shoe is on the other foot.

As much as I hate the guy, injuries suck. However, Patriot fans aren't getting any sympathy from me.

amen to that.....but beware.....the etiquette police will get you:lol:
cnyphinfan said:

It is a shame to see such an amazing competitor go down. I personally do not like to have my team helped by an injury. I wish Harrison the best with his rehab and hope he comes back strong next year.

I feel for the Pats, they are a class organization who have lost two of their defensive leaders in a few months time!

I agree about injurys, even though I never like Harrison, I always look at him as a cheap shot artist! No denying he was good!

I believe they also lost a Starting O-lineman also, Light?
Thats too bad - I was looking forward to McMichael matching up with him again.
I've never wished injury on anyone ever before, but I'll click my heels if this is Harrison's career. He's made a career out of trying to take cheap shots and injure people. Karma's a *****.
I hope that no player in the NFL gets hurt besides Rodney Harrison. That's just how I feel. He's hurt way more people than he's been hurt.
harrison is a punk i am glad he got hurt, spikes and pennington i dont wish anything bad for them class guys.
InMyChambers said:
Just reported on Sirius NFL radio.

I hope it's not karma that 2 of the 4 teams in our division suffered big time injuries to key defensive players.

We suffered all of them last year. It's the rest of the division's turn. :evil:
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