Merged-Cote: "Ginn should call Wayne's bluff"/ Ginns agent often has holdouts | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged-Cote: "Ginn should call Wayne's bluff"/ Ginns agent often has holdouts

Ginn, Fins Still Not On Same Page

Although earlier this week there were strong indications that the Dolphins and first-round pick Ted Ginn were close to ironing out a deal, with (as we heard it) all major terms resolved and only the escalators to be ironed out, there's still no final agreement.
So if a deal isn't done by Friday's official opening of camp, does this mean that Ginn won't play?

I wouldnt worry to much about what they are saying at PFT. It seems like they got two article and just merged the pieces together. Hopefully we will hear some news on GInn soon since Jamal Anderson already signed.​
As Edgar Thompson of the Palm Beach Post pointed out on Wednesday, Cornrich has a reputation for holding guys out. According to a SportsBusiness Journal report from 2005, Cornrich had held out five of his six first-round picks from the prior decade.
And, in 2004, Cornrich held out second-round safety Bob Sanders a full 44 days, making him the last player to sign that year.

Wow, I didn't know that. Ginn's agent could serve as a problem. It would be interesting to see what Wayne would do if Ginn held out. Still I tend to think Ginn will stick to his word and be signed by camp rather than have his agent hold him out for more money.
Maybe that jack*** Cote will get his wish...

Give him his money and sign the damn contract. enough is enough with this ****
With number 8 signed, the Dolphins have a ceiling for the Ginn deal. So go ahead and make a "final offer" that basically equals Andersons deal and makes Cornrich look good, as long as Ginn gets into camp today. As Brown and Allen proved, missing days of camp makes the player less valuable to the team... so every day Ginn refuses to practice, the offer decreases in total value and guaranteed money.

That's one upside to drafting a kick returner in round one: your team doesn't have its offense or defense in a holding pattern during camp, waiting for some punk multi-millionaire who has never proven anything in the NFL. I personally don't think Huizenga's ultimatum is all that far-fetched, considering it's only being applied to a special teams player.
I'm not a Fat Hank fan, but he is 100% right in saying the Herald sports writers are complete's as if they shrunk away into the fetal position as Saban beat on them for two years, so now they're getting back at Cam. It's a good thing the Sun-Sentinel is around to balance out the tripe that paper prints.
I think that there should be a paychart in the NFL that would standardize that salaries that the players get based on their draft pick. They are regulating everything else with the teams lets make it easier for these guys to get into camp. I dont know how it would work or anything but they need to do something to end this madness of rookies holding out for big money when they haven't played a down.
If Wayne sticks to what he said, Ginn might spend a year out of football without earning a dime. I know this won't happen. Maybe a little had ball by the owners would shake up some hard headed agents.
I think that there should be a paychart in the NFL that would standardize that salaries that the players get based on their draft pick. They are regulating everything else with the teams lets make it easier for these guys to get into camp. I dont know how it would work or anything but they need to do something to end this madness of rookies holding out for big money when they haven't played a down.

YES!!! I have actually made a post about this before. I think it should go like this....... Player/rookie salary's should be predetermined based on what round/pick they are, and then performance bonuses should be the same for everyone going by position. This way everyone gets signed basically right away, and the better you play no matter where you were picked the more you will get payed. I know there are a whole mess of issues that will prevent this from EVER happening, but boy wouldn't it make EVERYTHING much simpler???
I have heard some say we should do it like the NBA does it...How does the NBA do it because I have no idea how they do?
Im not the biggest Hank Goldberg fan. Sometimes he can get on my last nerve, but today he said the truth when he said most of the writers at the Herald were scums. Armando is a bandwagoner, Lebatard loves critizing the Fins and Cotes with this articles just lost some points. I guess the Herald has no Fin fans.

Same here Fat Hank is a an ***, but he is right about this.
Cote is the same moron who wanted the Fins to trade Marino and keep Scott freaking Mitchell.
He led the parade for that unbelievably idiotic idea and he still has his job!!! I have to believe the equivalent for a writer coming up with something that stupid is if say a factory worker burns down the factory. How he still has a job is amazing.
Cote argues that Ginn should hold out because it would really show Wayne up.

Well, he is getting completely grilled for his article on his blogs. So far I havent seen a single supportive post, and there are a large amount of replies giving him the business. Hopfully he'll be held accountable and maybe we'll get to enjoy the pleasure of watching him pull an "Armando" and run to the Big - O on the radio to restate what he really meant and save his job!

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