Merged-Cote: "Ginn should call Wayne's bluff"/ Ginns agent often has holdouts | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged-Cote: "Ginn should call Wayne's bluff"/ Ginns agent often has holdouts

One good thing that could come from this article - Perhaps word swill get back to Ginn on how supportive MOST fans are to Wayne in this and he'll preassure his agent to get it done asap.
As a former stringer for a major newspaper...

I can tell you without a doubt...that he should be fired for the article he wrote.

Writers are entitled to their opinion, but they become irresponsible and harmful when they take an active role in advocating harmful action against an organization.

Cote has no business telling a player to stick it to an owner.

Bare minimum, he should earn a suspension without pay.
By the way,

I am firmly behind Wayne...if he wants to hold Ginn out for the year for reporting late...go for it.

Its about time someone put the line in the sand.
Well they have roughly 24 hours to get this completed. My guess is it will happen, but if it doesn't, will Wayne stick to his guns?

In my opinion, there is no way Wayne can sit a player...especially a first round pick...all year. Coaches, players, and fans will become increasingly angry with him as the year progresses.
According to this, Wayne may have more support than was first believed.
As am I. I don't live in South Florida and cannot understand why the majority of Phin fans do not hold a favorable view of him. The guy is a winner. He's one of the best business men ever and is one of the biggest fans of this team. He wants to win as much as all of us do. People should lay off the guy.
According to this, Wayne may have more support than was first believed.

I challenge all finheaven members and Dolphins fans to not read Greg Cotes articles, not comment on his blogs, and not talk about his bumbling idiocities. I am fed up with these journalists and the moronic, sole called, journalisms they try to write. This offseason has been, by far, the worst in terms of accuracy, knowledge, and intellect journalists, experts, writers, have ever spewed. I enjoy constructive critism and can distinguish it from junk. Most of these stories are not constructive and have no substance and are unsupportive in nature and we all complain about it. So instead of complaining, stop paying attention

If we stop listening to their radio shows, reading their articles and commenting on them their rating will go down, their station managers and editors will begin to notice these guys are causing them revenues and they will go away indefinately. So I challenge each dolphin fan who is sick of reading this crap (and then arguing about it) to help us make it go away...
I challenge all finheaven members and Dolphins fans to not read Greg Cotes articles, not comment on his blogs, and not talk about his bumbling idiocities. I am fed up with these journalists and the moronic, sole called, journalisms they try to write. This offseason has been, by far, the worst in terms of accuracy, knowledge, and intellect journalists, experts, writers, have ever spewed. I enjoy constructive critism and can distinguish it from junk. Most of these stories are not constructive and have no substance and are unsupportive in nature and we all complain about it. So instead of complaining, stop paying attention

If we stop listening to their radio shows, reading their articles and commenting on them their rating will go down, their station managers and editors will begin to notice these guys are causing them revenues and they will go away indefinately. So I challenge each dolphin fan who is sick of reading this crap (and then arguing about it) to help us make it go away...
Fight the power, brother. I'm all for that. Problem is the entire culture of sports talk and sports writing down here is so saturated with incompetence that there are no alternatives to support. It's the same every offseason. The same knuckleheads are spewing the same complete lack of insight. Stop reading Cote and start reading Lebatard? No improvement. Miserable sports talk is accepted because the only alternative is none at all.
Fight the power, brother. I'm all for that. Problem is the entire culture of sports talk and sports writing down here is so saturated with incompetence that there are no alternatives to support. It's the same every offseason. The same knuckleheads are spewing the same complete lack of insight. Stop reading Cote and start reading Lebatard? No improvement. Miserable sports talk is accepted because the only alternative is none at all.

Ha...Well, if we stop reading, and paying attention to them their managers and employers will see this and see the reasoning behind the loss of their revenues is due to the fans (sports fans) not participating in these moronic ramblings. The employers will be forced to fire these guys and replace them with real journalists becuase that is what the market (us) will tolerate. Journalists who know how to first analyze, and then write. Not these sole called journlists who wake up hungover, go to work in pajamas, and just start rambling...The professionalism they display shows in their work ethic
I challenge all finheaven members and Dolphins fans to not read Greg Cotes articles, not comment on his blogs, and not talk about his bumbling idiocities. I am fed up with these journalists and the moronic, sole called, journalisms they try to write. This offseason has been, by far, the worst in terms of accuracy, knowledge, and intellect journalists, experts, writers, have ever spewed. I enjoy constructive critism and can distinguish it from junk. Most of these stories are not constructive and have no substance and are unsupportive in nature and we all complain about it. So instead of complaining, stop paying attention

If we stop listening to their radio shows, reading their articles and commenting on them their rating will go down, their station managers and editors will begin to notice these guys are causing them revenues and they will go away indefinately. So I challenge each dolphin fan who is sick of reading this crap (and then arguing about it) to help us make it go away...
I fully support the general idea, but if we dont voice our displeasure through the blogs, we'd have to do so through email to management. There has to be a voice of negativity to get rid of these people.
I fully support the general idea, but if we dont voice our displeasure through the blogs, we'd have to do so through email to management. There has to be a voice of negativity to get rid of these people.

Passive aggressive my friend. If we ignore these morons their rating with plummet, when thier ratings plummet the companies revenues plummet along with it. Employers only care abou the bottom line. If Cote, or whomever causes a decrease in that bottom line his *** is gone. Thats a foregone conclusion. They would certainly be replaced. However, if you want to take an aggressive standpoint (Which you mentioned above), instead of replying to Cote's article directly, we can voice our opinions to management in emails and such threatening a boycott (so to speak) of this crap.

In prior years and last year I used to love to search for NFL stories and read every one of them. Si, ESPN, FOX, MSNBC, etc....I can't remember the last time I went to
I'd stand behind Wayne if he carried through with his threat. These rookie primadonnas have to be stopped by someone, it might as well be us. If Ginn wants to hold out I'd love to see his arse lose 10-15 million dollars by having to re-enter the draft and falling out of the first round altogether. Obviously I'd rather have him in camp since we used the 9th pick on him, but if he holds out he's no use to the organization anyway.
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