Merged: Dolphins Trade Satele to Raiders for 6th round pick and swap 4th round picks | Page 30 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Dolphins Trade Satele to Raiders for 6th round pick and swap 4th round picks

If Grove can stay healthy I think it is a good deal, if not, then we probably have to look at drafting another Center (in 2010). I think Satele just wasn't big/fast enough to handle larger NT's...we saw this in our playoff loss to the Ravens. Time to move on.

You imagine Grove swiftly handles Ngata this upcoming season? That would be sweet.
we getting a 6th round pick and we're swapping picks in another round. I think we could've gotten more
come again ?

do the maths on the trade we just made.

the oakland 6th rounder is worth 25,6 points

our 4th rounder is worth 52
oakland's 4th rounder is worth 88
so we make 36 points off the swap

we get a total value of 61,6 points, which, according to the same draft value chart, is the 165th pick, the 21st selection in the third round

i'm (not so) sorry to say, that :hitit: !!! 3rd rounder buddy :chuckle:
so you can kiss my "homerheavenly" *** ;)

i think 62 points equals pick 116, which would be mid 4th round (#20).
We now have an early 4th and 6th round pick and we gave up a late 4th and a backup center. What exactly is the problem here? I def thought just a 6th was not enough but gaining 18 spots in the 4th round is a pretty big deal.
Good move IMHO... I think some are forgetting samson was hurt last year even though he played...this may have something to do with us moving him also..Ultimately this team will be built on the draft .. so getting the extra picks and moving up was more important to the future of the team than anything else.
Again...according to whom...Satele could have been great depth at Guard?

They moved up 18 spots in the 4th round from 122 to they receive a 6th rounder for a guy that wasn't going to be a player they wanted or needed for the future.

To whom?:lol2:
The guy has proved he is starting centre in the league and would have been great back up.
Oh I forgot the Front office wasted two draft picks to move up to take Murphy and we all know how great that was.
I would draft Graham Gano, Kicker/Punter, from Florida State with this 6th round pick. I would keep Carpenter as our FG kicker and use Gano on kickoffs and punts, and say so long to Fields.
sastele for a sixth rd choice?

wow i thought we could have got more than that atleast a 4th they reported we got a 6th rd choise and swopped choices in another rd with them?:err:
You guys sound exactly like you sounded last year when Lorenzo Booker was traded. Relax in the Trifecta we trust. The trade does not surprise me one bit, we replaced Satele when we signed Grove and signed Joe Berger who can play G/C. The writing was on the wall once that happen. At the time I said teams like the Texans, Broncos and Raiders who all run zone blocking offense would probably try trading for Satele. I also said the Raiders seem like the most likely.

I like the trade you move 19 spots in the 4th round and get back a 6thr ound pick we did not have.

Agree 100%. Booker and Satele were guys who didn't fit our system so they were traded and we got fair compensation. I'm not going to lose sleep over either one not being on the Dolphins anymore.
that sucks! he had a good year for us in 2007 which is what they will be running offensively, so you think we could squeeze a 4th at least out of them.
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