Merged: Dolphins Trade Satele to Raiders for 6th round pick and swap 4th round picks | Page 9 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Dolphins Trade Satele to Raiders for 6th round pick and swap 4th round picks

I could see Soliai, Beck and Wilford in some type of trades. If Miami got a 7th for Travis Daniels they can defitnetly work with those three players. I love this regime

If I know Armando Salguero, he wrote this article knowing that a deal involving Satele was about to be completed... And we will all wake up to this blog entry tomorrow morning: "As I reported late Sunday, the Dolphins want to add more draft picks for the upcoming draft. Well, they have succeeded in collecting one new draft pick, as the team agreed to trade Samson Satele to the Raiders late Sunday evening..." A round of applause for Armando! Woo! Hip hip hooray!

LOL :lol2: I follow the miami herald a lot and it is so true. :lol2::crazy:
Wow this is big news....but I hope its not for a 6th, cause if its for a 6th, fellas we better get ready to put our hands up for this is a highway robbery
Dolfan1000 if Miami drafts Chris Baker which I think could happen I would have to admit Im wrong, but I still require my NT to atleast aquire 4 sacks a year. My poitn which all ready know is that we have to find a lineman that can do all the things you have mentioned, but make plays as well. A guy similiar to Wilfork would be great.
the LBs are useless with a NT in the 3-4 why u think its hte most important position in a 3-4?
Salguero sucks, this site breaks more stories then that little female dog.
The Dolphins 2007 draft looks worse than it really was because those guys don't fit the system we're running now. Below average? I'll give you that. But don't get carried away. These guys will find homes and have decent careers if they land in the right places. Satele would be going to the pro bowl if he was a Bronco. As a Raider, all bets are off.
Dolfan1000 if Miami drafts Chris Baker which I think could happen I would have to admit Im wrong, but I still require my NT to atleast aquire 4 sacks a year. My poitn which all ready know is that we have to find a lineman that can do all the things you have mentioned, but make plays as well. A guy similiar to Wilfork would be great.

Isnt the fact that they didnt release Soliai after two offseasons (pretty much) enough evidence that they think the kid has potential?

Oh, and of course I would love a player like Wilfork to be my NT. Just like I would love Peyton Manning to be my QB and Larry Fitzgerald to be my WR.
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