Merged: Dolphins Trade Satele to Raiders for 6th round pick and swap 4th round picks | Page 8 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Dolphins Trade Satele to Raiders for 6th round pick and swap 4th round picks

I hate to say it, but I told you so I told you I told you so.

yea smae here. ive said it for a while now. there was no chance they kept him. that would be pointless. miami will draft a C in the draft later in the rounds that fits their mold far better hten satele and groom taht guy and also we have berger as a back up why keep 2 good C as back up and a starter? makes no sense.
If we didn't tear the Raiders a new one on this trade, it's a head scratcher. Again, if you have to spend more to replace what you just sold, you lose.
Sorry to be the one to make us all lose sleep on a Sunday night, BUT...

...We traded Wes Welker for a 6th and 7th round pick (apparently).

Thanks Randy!
Wat position are the Raiders 2nd,3rd, and 4th.. I think miami is not gonna get left behind with the Patriots since they got a 2nd also for Cassel and vrabel
I wonder how much it free up and what do we get. Miami could recieve anything from a 3rd to a 5th round pick.

Im not happy to see this happen it proves what an awful draft Mueller had, but I have been saying it for days and have gotten so much crap Im glad I can shut some of you up and show I know my football.

Soliai and Beck could be next especially Beck he could bring back a 6th or 7th and Miami would love to have a 6th round pick in this draft. A team like Cleveland could send a pick for Wilford, Cleveland has no recievers and might trade Brylon to the Giants.
Keep in mind that the Raiders pick quite high in the draft, so a 4th is like a late 3rd.
I wonder how much it free up and what do we get. Miami could recieve anything from a 3rd to a 5th round pick.

Im not happy to see this happen it proves what an awful draft Mueller had, but I have been saying it for days and have gotten so much crap Im glad I can shut some of you up and show I know my football.

Soliai and Beck could be next especially Beck he could bring back a 6th or 7th and Miami would love to have a 6th round pick in this draft. A team like Cleveland could send a pick for Wilford, Cleveland has no recievers and might trade Brylon to the Giants.

You got crap because you made senseless comments about our NTs "not making enough impact plays". Nobody was arguing with you when you said that the 2007 draft was below average.


If I know Armando Salguero, he wrote this article knowing that a deal involving Satele was about to be completed... And we will all wake up to this blog entry tomorrow morning: "As I reported late Sunday, the Dolphins want to add more draft picks for the upcoming draft. Well, they have succeeded in collecting one new draft pick, as the team agreed to trade Samson Satele to the Raiders late Sunday evening..." A round of applause for Armando! Woo! Hip hip hooray!
Dolfan1000 and I stand by my comments on the NTs.

God I even said the Raiders where gonna trade for Satele.

Dolfan1000 BTW dude no hard feelings between us bro, I love are dicussions we both have one thing in commen and that is we love the Fins. So no hard feelings.
I wonder how much it free up and what do we get. Miami could recieve anything from a 3rd to a 5th round pick.

Im not happy to see this happen it proves what an awful draft Mueller had, but I have been saying it for days and have gotten so much crap Im glad I can shut some of you up and show I know my football.

Soliai and Beck could be next especially Beck he could bring back a 6th or 7th and Miami would love to have a 6th round pick in this draft. A team like Cleveland could send a pick for Wilford, Cleveland has no recievers and might trade Brylon to the Giants.

dude dotn worrryy about it during this FA time i spent a lot of time posting with u and reading ur posts and u being on top of a lot of the moves just as me, CK, JT, etc on this board. I know you know ur stuff.
Sorry to be the one to make us all lose sleep on a Sunday night, BUT...

...We traded Wes Welker for a 6th and 7th round pick (apparently).

Thanks Randy!
so the trade is true then the only thing we get from the welker trade is what ever any other team gives us because Abraham Wright isnt on the team anymore
You got crap because you made senseless comments about our NTs "not making enough impact plays". Nobody was arguing with you when you said that the 2007 draft was below average.
he said our NT didnt make enough plays?
if he did i do agree with him ive said thsi since hte year ended.

Fergie doesnt do nething as far as penetrating, breaking the pocket, moving the pocket etc. all he does is take up 2 blockers he can't even push one of hte guys backwards on a consistent basis. thats why our ends and lbs didnt make more plays. hwen u have a NT that can break the pocket or at least get some PUSH it collapses the O lines role and jobs allowing panic and D players to make plays.
Dolfan1000 and I stand by my comments on the NTs.

God I even said the Raiders where gonna trade for Satele.

Dolfan1000 BTW dude no hard feelings between us bro, I love are dicussions we both have one thing in commen and that is we love the Fins. So no hard feelings.

Absolutely, my friend. All in good fun. Go Dolphins!
he said our NT didnt make enough plays?
if he did i do agree with him ive said thsi since hte year ended.

Fergie doesnt do nething as far as penetrating, breaking the pocket, moving the pocket etc. all he does is take up 2 blockers he can't even push one of hte guys backwards on a consistent basis. thats why our ends and lbs didnt make more plays. hwen u have a NT that can break the pocket or at least get some PUSH it collapses the O lines role and jobs allowing panic and D players to make plays.

Not to get off topic, but that is precisely the job of a 3-4 NT.
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