Merged: How about Wade Smith? / Wade Sucks | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: How about Wade Smith? / Wade Sucks

Prime Time

Screw You Guys..Im Goin Home!!!
Oct 18, 2002
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How about Wade Smith?

Everyone criticized him when he was bad...why not compliment him when he does well. He has done well the last cpuple of weeks. He gets my props :thumbup:
Noone besides me willing to give him props..?
Originally posted by Prime Time
Noone besides me willing to give him props..?

I give him credit/props... along with the rest of Phins and the Phin Fans.
He is credited with giving up a half sack, but it was given to Smith. Wynn had Griese.
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Todd Wade was responsible for the Bruce sack tonight, Wynn already had Griese wrapped up when Bruce just joined in (I rather expect the NFL to take Bruce's half sack away actually). The 2nd sack was Bernard Holsey, a DT...and I hardly think Smith could have been at fault on that one
I'm glad he got tired off 40 year old Bruce Smith getting by him, and started playing.
In the beginning, I am pretty sure that he was the one who the defensive ends got past, but I may be wrong.
I'm one of Wade Critics but I see him developing into a very good LT.All he needs is time in the weight room.Right now he is getting overpower against stronger DE but give him a nother year or two and he will be a great LT.
McKinney, Ruddy, and Jerman did much better than Nails, Ruddy, and Perry did. Ricky has run very well behind them and they need to be given the start against the Cowpokes.
I'm reaching??? He had a solid game...were you even watching the game? Go watch the footage then come back and talk to me.
I think that was McKinney. But the left side by far was better for Ricky to rush through.
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