MERGED: Jason Taylor REALLY hates the Jets - Read his latest quotes | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Jason Taylor REALLY hates the Jets - Read his latest quotes


Retired FinHeaven Staff
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Aug 13, 2003
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120 mi west of Costa Rica

"To score a touchdown in New York against the Jets in the last time I'll be in the hellhole they call a stadium up there before they get rid of it and move to the new one," Taylor said, "it was outstanding."
"The problem I have is with the Jets fans," Taylor said. "It's not really a problem; it's kind of this rivalry that has gone on, and they love to hate me, and I love to hate them, and we've had some fun over the years. They've had a lot of fun at my expense. I've had some fun at their expense at times.

"It's the times like this where you beat them and they just keep talking. They just keep going, and they just don't know when to be quiet.

"You know, I've said a lot of things about Jets fans in the past, and I’m sure at heart they're good people. Most of them are good people. The Giants fans are a different type of people. Just put it that way. There's a little more class on the Giants' side, and some Jets fans take the 'c-l' out of class."

Click the link, there is a lot more good quotes from Taylor about the Jets.
I wonder if Jason knows when you take the C & L out of Class. You get A$$!!
Jason Taylor adds the i-c to "class"
Love the first quote, "To score a the hellhole they call a was outstanding." Great stuff.

J-E-T-S suck suck suck!
This rivalry has been around for a long time! I remember when I was like 7 watching a phins yets game thinking I cant stand that puke green team... crazy because I didnt even know about the rivalry till years later lol.. Jt is the man!!!
Darwin would probably refer to them as the unnamed loud rat bunch
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