Merged: Mike Mularky | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Mike Mularky


Apr 17, 2003
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Being a Buffalo fan, I'm curious to see what you all think of Mularky's first game calling the plays. IMO he was premature to quit on the run in the second half. As I stated in another thread, if he would have fed the ball to Ronnie in the second half, I think this is a different game. Any thoughts?
Not impressed. Horrible call on 3rd and 2. Where was the deep ball?
I'm wondering about the deep ball too. I understand Pitt. backed off and gave Miami all those short passes to the WR's, but still. And Ronnie had nowhere to run. Our oline got no penetration on their D.
TKO said:
Being a Buffalo fan, I'm curious to see what you all think of Mularky's first game calling the plays. IMO he was premature to quit on the run in the second half. As I stated in another thread, if he would have fed the ball to Ronnie in the second half, I think this is a different game. Any thoughts?

I absolutely agree. Mularky's play-calling is the reason we lost this game and I understand why he was run out of Buffalo. I thought his play-calling was suspect in the pre-season, but this only confirms my worst nightmares.
Thats another thing I don't understand. Why did it take until the second half to get Chambers involved in the offense and where were the plays designed to get McMichael going?
Murlarky deserve his share of the blame...

What a horrile call on 3rd and 2.The passing game was clicking and he decides to call a high school play....I think that was turning point of the game...
moolarky's problem has always been predictability. i form big. shotgun 5 wr. 1st down run 2nd down pass. the game plan was not solid. pitt run D is always stout and was #1 this preseason. on the other hand, our run blocking thus far has been pathetic. we needed to come out in spread sets and throw the ball around. make them get those LBs off the field or make the LBs cover with a 3 man rush which gives daunte all day to throw. this will also create some space to start popping off runs from the same spread formations after youve shown you can move the ball through the air. you're not going to line up and punch the steelers in the mouth.
minus said:
What a horrile call on 3rd and 2.The passing game was clicking and he decides to call a high school play....I think that was turning point of the game...

Bingo, I just brought this up in a thread I started. We were moving the ball down the field threw the air and I actually thought we might seal up the game. Then that stupid call.
well we lost because we let up big plays on defense and penatlies, but I admit we gave up on the run too early. Not every play should be a trick. They kept pounding parker even though he did't get much early and eventually it paid off.
Ya that was the turning point. If they convert that 3rd and 2 they might go down and get a touchdown to make it 24-14. That would have basically sealed the game.
This is the one "__________ sucks" type of thread that is on point. Seriously, he is too damn conservative. We waited way to long to make an attempt at getting the passing game going, and when it finally gets going.. the horrible calls come in again. I wanted to see a no huddle ran in the middle of the third quarter, because it was so effective to end the half. Culpepper is the perfect QB to pull one off during the middle of a game.

I want Scott Linehan back. Badly.
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