Merged: Official Dolphins vs Patriots Threads | Page 20 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Official Dolphins vs Patriots Threads

You didn't expect to feel this way 1972? Optimistic til the end I guess. I know better.
And now everyone is back to bashing Wanny and the coaching staff, I love how some people on here are absolutely ****ing crazy! It's like they PMS when this team loses. Get a life I say!
No i didnt say that last week but you know what? That wasnt a big game like today is, and we're on the losing side this week. If you dont get it done consistantely, you're nothing.
Ok well Denver is officially kicking KC's behind, lets show the Miami game CBS....all I can do is try.
Or...if you don't get it done're the Dolphins. Sad but sad, so true. :(
Hey, a pity shank punt. I think the Pats figure they can stop us....again.
Put Fiedler in a dome setting and he'd be MVP every year. Can't throw with wind.
Yeah me too 1972. I really hate these guys, they are so terrible, I could do such a better job.
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