Merged: Prisco is a Disgrace/Pete Prisco has Dolphins ranked #13 on cbs sportsline | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Prisco is a Disgrace/Pete Prisco has Dolphins ranked #13 on cbs sportsline

For the amount of information this clown has access to, I am amazed how much this guy reaches with some of his opinions... Here are some of the most blatant in my opinion:

3) Rams: Without Orlando Pace in uniform, that offense won't be anywhere near top form. Until Pace is in camp and under 400 pounds, that is a reach.

4) Bills: Are you kidding me...

6) Falcons: Trendy pick, but this team may go down as the most over-rated, over-hyped 1-man team in NFL history.

8) Raiders: I guess the AFC Championship was an aberration... otherwise how do you rank this team behind the Titans when you consider the Titans lost more in free agency than the Raiders...

13) Dolphins: This is the most complete team in the NFL on paper. They were only team in the AFC that could even match up with the Raiders... Absolutely ridiculous pick...

18) Pats: With all the defensive talent Bellichek has acquired, they should be challenging the Dolphins for the AFC East... Way off on this one...

20) Ravens: With that front 7, who cares who is under center... Way off on this one, as well...

21) Seahawks: The NFC West is a joke... as is this better part of this "power ranking"... This reasoning should be applied to the Saints... The Seahawks are going to benefit from being in the soft NFC West...
Agreed, SoCalRaider.

I will admit, the only team that really scares me in the AFC is the Raiders. It all depends on how Madison/Surtain play... in the past, they have stepped up. I think we can take home a victory if we can continue to dominate your passing game. If you grab an early lead though, and your passing game is clicking, I fear the worst.

As for your post, I agree with you on pretty much everything. The Rams are way too high, as are the Bills. How does Takeo spikes take the Bills from last in the division to #4 in the NFL?

I sort of agree about the Falcons being at #6... Price will allow Vick to really be multi-dimensional. #6 might be a tad high, I'd put them at 6-10.

Never picked the Ravens,Rams,or Pats to win.
True, but they should pick us to win this year, cause we are gonna!

sig is gone for some reason....
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Prisco is a disgrace

Yea the title for this thread is more then accurate. I've that alot of sports analyst do not know what they are talking about, but crisco, I mean prisco gets the cake. How do the Jets of all teams get rated above the Fins? The Jets lost their best reciever and all Miami did was pick up a veteran back up QB and acquire Derruis thompson. But of course the Jets are still better, yea sure! Ok yes the Bills did improve, but ranked 4th? In maybe the hardest division of all of football i doubt the Bills will finish better then 2nd in the AFC East.

Falcons? Yea sure they have one of the fastest offenses in the NFL, but who is their defense? The falcons made it to the playoffs for several reasons, but those reasons will be eliminated this year. Vick caught alot of defense coordinaters off gaurd, trust me, the leauge has taken notice. Look what the eventual superbowl bucs did to the Falcons. You keep a linebacker on Vick and you take away his running game.

You want superbowl predictions? here you go. Buc vs Fins.

The Fins still have maybe the best RB in the entire league who looks to be improved from last year. The Fins missed the playoffs due to an injure to Fiedler, that whole was patched up. The Fins may have the best defense in the league next year, barring injury. The passing game will be vastly improved with a year under the starters belt, also with the departure of Orande Gadsden and the beginning of Derrius Thompson. Now Miami has 2 deep threat possiblities along with mcknight and big dawg Mcmicheal. Need i say more?

The Bucs are just the Bucs and in the NFC they are my pic to make it back. They kept alot of playmakers and still seem to be hungary. thats it i'm done!
:fire: :fire: :o :yell: :pirate: :yell: :fire:
The Dude picks the Dolphins 13th to get the attention of the Dolphins fans...He has found that angering Dolphins fans results in more "hits" for his articles.....keep reading what he writes but, remember it's your choice.....the only thing he cares about is how many people read his articles not if you like him or not. A hit is a hit. That's how he stays in business.
What pissed me off the most is.. Prisco was correct picking the Jets to win the East last year..

I dont like the guy myself, I rarely read his articles unless someone on here has commented on it.. also, I believe Las Vegas more than Prisco and Vegas says we are favorite to win the AFC..

But.. the jerk was right last year
Originally posted by Williams34Phins
True, but they should pick us to win this year, cause we are gonna!

sig is gone for some reason....

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Originally posted by welderpat
Never picked the Ravens,Rams,or Pats to win.

He did pick the Jets to win the division last season and he stood by his pick all season.
Originally posted by inFINSible
The Dude picks the Dolphins 13th to get the attention of the Dolphins fans...He has found that angering Dolphins fans results in more "hits" for his articles.....keep reading what he writes but, remember it's your choice.....the only thing he cares about is how many people read his articles not if you like him or not. A hit is a hit. That's how he stays in business.

You have been on fire these past few days! I agree 100%!
Here is what I don't understand. He is basing our ranking on the lack of a passing game LAST season. However, he ranks his precious New York team Buffalo number four because of the defense they have THIS season. Anyone else see a problem with coherentness here? If you are going to rank teams, rank them all based on this year's team, not some on this year's team and some on last year's team. I haven't clicked on any of his articles in a good 4 months, and it looks like I have been justified......
I can definitely see you guys complaining about you being 13, as I think you should be higher as well, but stop bringing the Jets into it. Yes I understand he ikes the Jets, but picking them #11 is far from a homer pick, as that is about average for a playoff team from last year.
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