Merged: Prisco is a Disgrace/Pete Prisco has Dolphins ranked #13 on cbs sportsline | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Prisco is a Disgrace/Pete Prisco has Dolphins ranked #13 on cbs sportsline

I actually have no problems with the Jets being higher in the rankings. They are the AFC East Champs. I disagree with Buffalo being ridiculously high, and New England ridiculously low......
Hey and maybe I am a homer, but I don't see all that many teams ahead of the Jets or Fins heading into the year, and I think they should both be top 10, and probably in the 5-8 range. How is Buffalo 4?? I think they did a good job this offseason, and think Reed is a very good player, but come on. How do you add a top LB, lose a very productive WR(I like Coles better, but he had similar if not better stats) and jump 13 spots, including ahead of all 3 teams that finished ahead of you?
Originally posted by Hellion

Realistically though how long can they play the underdog role here? It doesen't work any longer guys. Every fan poll picks the Fins to do very well, if not pick them to go all the way. So in most fans eyes I don't think the Fins are viewed as underdogs.
The NFL coaches don't view Miami as underdogs, they know what kinda team we'll have this years.
The Fin players have played it out in my opinion, they know they're a good defense just like everyone else does. This year is a "no excuses" year for them, a make it or break it year.

Their not underdogs, their under achievers, and they know it, we know it and the NFL worl knows it.

Nope the underdog label or motto won't play this year, not even the players will buy into it.


Hellion is right. The Phins will never be the underdog again.

Originally posted by J-E-T-S
Hey and maybe I am a homer, but I don't see all that many teams ahead of the Jets or Fins heading into the year, and I think they should both be top 10, and probably in the 5-8 range. How is Buffalo 4?? I think they did a good job this offseason, and think Reed is a very good player, but come on. How do you add a top LB, lose a very productive WR(I like Coles better, but he had similar if not better stats) and jump 13 spots, including ahead of all 3 teams that finished ahead of you?

So your number 1 WR had similar numbers to our number 2 WR. That says it all.
Why are we number 4?

-Because the AFC is wide open
-because we may have the best QB/WR/RB combo in the league. Name one that’s better
-Because we have the makings of a great run defense. Two big guys in the middle and 2 great YOUNG LB’s
- Big strong O-line.
-Sure we lost Price but as a wise man once said, Your back up WR should never put up those kind of numbers. IT just shows that our O was unbalanced.
-We have a great set of CB’s
-we have a 1400 yard rusher
-We have Eric Moulds

Maybe we’re not the best team in the AFC, but there is not a single team in the AFC who is clearly better. Maybe the Raiders.
Originally posted by Hellion

Realistically though how long can they play the underdog role here? It doesen't work any longer guys. Every fan poll picks the Fins to do very well, if not pick them to go all the way. So in most fans eyes I don't think the Fins are viewed as underdogs.
The NFL coaches don't view Miami as underdogs, they know what kinda team we'll have this years.
The Fin players have played it out in my opinion, they know they're a good defense just like everyone else does. This year is a "no excuses" year for them, a make it or break it year.

Their not underdogs, their under achievers, and they know it, we know it and the NFL worl knows it.

Nope the underdog label or motto won't play this year, not even the players will buy into it.


Good post! :up:

I also happen to agree with the fact that NE should be higher, and since the Bills haven't proven anything yet, should be a few notches lower. The Jets were division champs, so they have to be up there....
I cant believe he gets paid to write this crap, I dont see how buffalo can be above us and having the 49rs above us and they got Dennis Erickson as a head coach, wtf has he done to deserve that kind of credit!!

Its pathetic.
In the end, who really cares what any of them think. We play the games on the field. Frankly, I hope they all pick us last.

Besides this may be the only happy moment for a Bills fan all season.

I agree that buffalo is ranked too high. Shouldn't even be ranked higher than the fins. His ranking is so unlike him to have another AFCE team (Bills) ranked higher than his Jets.

It could very well be that he realizes the Jets lost last off season so he ranks the bills high but hates the Dolphins that he ranked them at 13 bellow the jets.

If you think his ranking is biased and homeristic, imagine what we feel like when Westoast post his weekly ranking at the billszone :lol: Everytime the fins lose they move up and everytime the bills win they stay still or move down :lol:
Originally posted by justafan
I agree that buffalo is ranked too high. Shouldn't even be ranked higher than the fins. His ranking is so unlike him to have another AFCE team (Bills) ranked higher than his Jets.

It could very well be that he realizes the Jets lost last off season so he ranks the bills high but hates the Dolphins that he ranked them at 13 bellow the jets.

If you think his ranking is biased and homeristic, imagine what we feel like when Westoast post his weekly ranking at the billszone :lol: Everytime the fins lose they move up and everytime the bills win they stay still or move down :lol:

Do you real think the fins are that good? I just don't see it. I think the Bills are better at QB, WR, O-Line, LB's

The fins have a better RB (But we also have a great one), DL (not on the inside) and Secondary.
Let me get this straight here. You all know that this guys dislikes the Dolphins or the fact that you always disagree with what he says about them. You know this as fact.
Yet, everytime he writes something that you know you'll hate and disagree with you'll rush right over to read what he has to spew forth. Knowing the whole time that you're going to get pissed about it.

And you're blaming him? hahaha No grasshopper, tis yourself you must look inside of first. For without your clicking of the mouse button upon the link, his articles would cease to exist. It is ourselves in which we must blame as we only continue to feed him.

Secondly, even if we do disagree with what he has to say. Does that mean he is not allowed his opinion? Opinions are like buttholes, everyone's got one and they all stink. :D
Originally posted by IceStorm
Let me get this straight here. You all know that this guys dislikes the Dolphins or the fact that you always disagree with what he says about them. You know this as fact.
Yet, everytime he writes something that you know you'll hate and disagree with you'll rush right over to read what he has to spew forth. Knowing the whole time that you're going to get pissed about it.

And you're blaming him? hahaha No grasshopper, tis yourself you must look inside of first. For without your clicking of the mouse button upon the link, his articles would cease to exist. It is ourselves in which we must blame as we only continue to feed him.

Secondly, even if we do disagree with what he has to say. Does that mean he is not allowed his opinion? Opinions are like buttholes, everyone's got one and they all stink. :D

What he said.
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