Merged: Ricky Williams Locker Cleared??? | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Ricky Williams Locker Cleared???


He's well within the rules to take this long and then some.

Maybe he wants to make Ricky sweat a little. Maybe he's studying the facts and listening to advisors on the matter. Maybe he's busy and just hasnt gotten to it yet.

Whatever the reason, as long as Goodell makes his decision one way or the other within the required 60 days, I got no problem with him.
Doesn't seem right that pacman got an appeal meeting a week after asking, and he's mum on the status of rw's appeal for re-instatement?
I don't think Ricky is coming back guys, I think they are trying to get Brown to the next level, Booker will provide us with that 3rd down back and Chatham and Hobbs will battle out for the 2nd string job, Ricky and Dante will be traded, i'd love to keep Ricky but don't see both of them in the Phins plans. I still feel like thier idea is a no brainer, Acquire Trent Green, he plays until Beck is ready and they work on Brown and Booker although i truly believe with the work ethic and the recent improvement of Cleo Lemon and his familiarity of Cam's system will give the phins a very tough decision.
Doesn't seem right that pacman got an appeal meeting a week after asking, and he's mum on the status of rw's appeal for re-instatement?

Its only been a week since Ricky was even eligible for reinstatement, and that week included the NFL Draft. I doubt Goodell even considered looking at Ricky's case until Ricky was actually eligible for reinstatement (rightfully so). When Ricky actually became eligible the Draft was about to kick off. Then there is the issue of confidential player info being leaked that he is dealing with. Ricky Williams' fate simply isnt that high on the priority list (again, rightfully so)

How many times has the league suspended Jones? How many times for Ricky?
Think maybe Goodell isnt rushing to give yet another chance to a guy who has had chance after chance and keeps throwing them away?

And of course, the fact that Ricky snubbed the league the last time it tried to show him some lieniency can't help.

As I've said before...he will get to it when he gets to it. And thats the way it should be.
I personally don't think that they "save" lockers for potential team members! Although that is funny...I think keeping Ricky is definitely
in the teams best interest for a number of reasons. 1. When he plays
he is good/great and is humble on the field. 2. He is basically playing
for free. 3. We are not (most likely save a fluke) going to be able
to trade him for anything better. 4. He is a proven good backup for Ronnie Brown. 5. If needed can handle the full load (if Ronnie gets hurt lets say) And the combination of those reasons will keep him here in 2007.

oh, and note my picture, I would like to wear my jersey again :evil:
It doesnt mean anything other than Cams desire to change the status quo and give the lockeroon a new look.

Several lockers were changed .There is an article in the Herald about it.

We all know Ricky is a flake but he is a good teamate and no one works harder.He will show up for camp in shape too.

I dont see any reason to trade him for a low round draft pick when he is much more valuable playing for us.
Peter King MMQB May 7

He talks to both Trent Green and Coach Cam and the part I don't like

6. I think the Dolphins are more likely to pass on Ricky Williams if he's reinstated by the league than put him back on their roster. I don't think they trust him, and I think they think they're just as likely to get a good backup runner

Here's the whole article
Merged: Is Ricky Williams on his way out??

The Dolphins have cleared out Ricky Williams' locker.

The locker was given to Lorenzo Booker. Miami has yet to make an official decision about Ricky's future, but it doesn't appear that he's in the plans.
Are they going to see what he has to offer or is he on his way out??

Here's the link:
I think it would be stupid because he is cheap, very cheap and you could just make Ricky the third running back and just make him a part timer and keep him fresh for the second half of the season.
I heard on 790 The Ticket that Ricky Williams' locker has been cleared...

It was replaced with Lorenzo Booker's.

Is there any news on here about it? Maybe he's getting ready to leave? :confused:
He's been off the team over a year now - what locker did he have to clear?
It was posted here a couple of days ago. It doesn't mean he's off the team if reinstated, it means he's not on the team now and they need his locker. No biggie.
No his locker was cleared for Booker, and Ricky Williams new locker is in place of Dan Wilkinson's locker, Ricky will stay here.

PFT says this.
When is he going to be reinstated???? I think if he was on the Patriots roster he'd have been reinstated by now.
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