MERGED: Salt in the wound - NFL fines Camarillo | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Salt in the wound - NFL fines Camarillo

This is pathetic, the NFL is becoming a joke. I understand the need to protect the players from injury etc. but these are grown men playing football! They know that it is dangerous and they could get hurt. I am hoping the guys that are getting fined for barely touching a QB (Suggs, Taylor) are going to tee off on them next time and tell the NFL exactly where they could shove their fine.
The NFL is quickly becoming the NBA, it is a real shame.

or worse! At this point Vince McMahon might make a better commish!

Saying the league is "fixed" may be going too far, but it's been evident for a few years that gameplay is "selectively influenced wherever and whenever feasibly possible" on the basis of a desired agenda. Anyone who doesn't believe that...then I've got a shiny bridge presently stored in Brooklyn I can sell you cheap.
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Vaark is dead right with this one. If you want a good example, just look at the Green Bay-Pittsburg game last week. The Pack had the game won but creative flag throwing gave it to the Steelers.
i am just stunned! i cant believe they fined Cam for this...this is a joke. This league is just ridiculous nowadays.
also that holding call they called on Soliai was pathetic too. It was 3rd down and because superstar Chris Johnson, whose on pace for 2000 yards didnt make the play he gets flagged, it was bull****. I also saw some holding on their part that never got called, specifically on Cam Wake.
Yeah and next time and player gets up and runs in the a TD all the opposing teams need to punch the refs in the face!!!

or worse! At this point Vince McMahon might make a better commish!

Saying the league is "fixed" may be going too far, but it's been evident for a few years that gameplay is "selectively influenced wherever and whenever feasibly possible" on the basis of a desired agenda. Anyone who doesn't believe that...then I've got a shiny bridge presently stored in Brooklyn I can sell you cheap.

Not saying you are wrong, but, if this is the case, then why are you watching?
I hope Camarillo visited his victim in the hospital after that vicious hit. He is such a violent player. I hope the Titans DB will someday be able to overcome the devastating, crushing blow in such a Downy soft, gentle game. Maybe he'll be able to walk or even, dare to dream, play again.

Vicious, violent thugs like Camarillo need to be taught a lesson. Football is a gentlemen's sport. Lest he wants to be fined again, Camarillo should say "Grey Poupon" 10 times next time he has the urge to hit another player.
Not saying you are wrong, but, if this is the case, then why are you watching?

I think we put up with it because of our love for football and our team. But you can't tell me you don't see some games being unjustifiably influenced by officials sometimes.
I think we put up with it because of our love for football and our team. But you can't tell me you don't see some games being unjustifiably influenced by officials sometimes.

Influenced? Yes. Human judgement and fallibility will always and have always been a part of the games we love. You can accept it or not.

If you believe that the games are influenced and fixed by gambleing or pressure from the various leauges front office, then, you are just watching professional wrestling or afternoon soaps.

I'm 42 and I've seen some absolutely shocking bad calls throughout my time watching football. It's not new.

It's just that calls conflict with agendas sometimes.
cmon goonboss...certain teams and players are protected more than others. If Marino was protected like Brady is he couldve definately played more years. I watched a game from 1994 a few weeks ago and Marino was takin hits that nowadays if Tom Brady got hit it would be an automatic flag. The stuff Brady gets a flag for other QBs take the same hit and get no flag. If thats not obvious favoritism idk what is.
Influenced? Yes. Human judgement and fallibility will always and have always been a part of the games we love. You can accept it or not.

You know, I could accept that if the league were to, at the very least, acknowledge when their officials have made an error. But instead refs are being given a license to decide games without consequence.

If you believe that the games are influenced and fixed by gambleing or pressure from the various leauges front office, then, you are just watching professional wrestling or afternoon soaps.

It's impossible to know if it's fixed, or how deep the rabbit hole goes. It could be another NBA situation where it's just a select few officials. Maybe they are betting on games, trying to protect the spread, whatever.

What ever it is, if this is to destroy the integrity of the game, I don't think the answer is to ignore it, or stop watching. Instead it requires public outcry and gutsy players/coaches to expose those that are ruining the game.
cmon goonboss...certain teams and players are protected more than others. If Marino was protected like Brady is he couldve definately played more years. I watched a game from 1994 a few weeks ago and Marino was takin hits that nowadays if Tom Brady got hit it would be an automatic flag. The stuff Brady gets a flag for other QBs take the same hit and get no flag. If thats not obvious favoritism idk what is.

Do you also get excited watching Hulk Hogan "Hulk up" and defeat the Iron Shiek?"

The game progresses and changes. It's an organization that protects itself. I will say that. Rules change. If Marino was playing right now, he'd rule, because the NFL has evolved and changed to make the product better for a wider demo.

The game has always been influenced by calls for one side or the other. If you can't accept that, I don't know what to tell you. You're just paying good money, time and, emotion to watch wrestling. Not that it's a bad thing, Just saying.
yea the refs have no accountability, they should be held accountable for bad calls...

i know its not easy to see everything all the time but theres refs in certain spots on the field to make sure they get the best views and they even have instant replay.
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