MERGED: Salt in the wound - NFL fines Camarillo | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Salt in the wound - NFL fines Camarillo

I'll turn it around on you GB: If you truly believe that the league office had no more reason for the spygate tapes and did the right thing in quickly destroying them before anyone else got to see them, then I commend you on your faith in the league; if not, it's equally simple: in The NFL, it's hard not to concede that all is not created equal and sometimes selectively there's attempted rigging afoot.. You decide :tumbleweed:

I have to believe it's ligit. If I believe otherwise, I'm wasting my life every sunday. I don't want to believe the Dolphins and the whole NFL is simply make believe and that we are all just puppets on a string controlled by Goodell.
I don’t think he was fined for the play, he was probably fined for talking about it.

How do you explain a fumble recovery where the player is cradling the ball, giving him self up after the recovery, and ten guys jump on top trying to get the ball away? Has anyone ever been fined for blatantly jumping on the pile? How many times do you see them give the ball to the guy who comes out with it when you know damn well it was ripped from the guy who was already down?
I have to believe it's ligit. If I believe otherwise, I'm wasting my life every sunday.

So you buy the "official" explanation?

Do you believe an official can retroactively declare a play ended without notifying players by blowing a whistle?
It's really that simple Vaark. You have to belive it's ligit, or admit it's not. One or the other. Once you admit it's not...Just like when Stan Stasiak does his heartpunch...and I understand it's not truely stopping the other guy's heart.....You must then understand you are just watching a story played by actors.
I actually agree with you that if I felt the league was rigged it would render the results completely meaningless, and I'd have no interest in watching. But you are wrong that this is a black and white issue. I don't think anyone would be watching if they truly believed the super bowl winner was predetermined.

However, it would also be naive to think that it is impossible that such a big business would not be tempted to alter results for their own financial gain. Even if the league is being run entirely ethically, there are still opportunities for the personal agendas of individuals to be involved. We hope that referees are run a fair game, but there have been too many scandals that have exposed across all sports to ignore the possibility. Even at the subconscious level, these refs have the ability to completely alter games, even if its unintentional.

So how with all this potential for scandals and game fixing, do we continue to enjoy the product on the field? It's because there is no such thing as a perfectly run institution. But we don't stop voting just because we fear that our politicians are corrupt. And we keep donating to charities even though we question how the money is being used. I judge the NFL by these same standards. They don't need to be perfect to keep my interest. I just need to believe that there are more people fighting to maintain the integrity of the league than there are those who would rather unethically profit from it.
I can't believe that no one has mentioned the OBVIOUS issue with that play.

It reminds me of when Shula was the head of the competition committee and he was still the head coach of the Dolphins.

Guess who is on that competition committee now?

I'll give you a hint, he was on that 85 Bears team and is a head coach now. :rolleyes2: :ponder:

It was a horrible call. He could have tackled the guy and it still would not have merited an additional fine.
It's really that simple Vaark. You have to belive it's ligit, or admit it's not. One or the other. Once you admit it's not...Just like when Stan Stasiak does his heartpunch...and I understand it's not truely stopping the other guy's heart.....You must then understand you are just watching a story played by actors.

Its not black and white like that, if there was a way to prove it I would bet a pretty hefty sum that at least 1 game in the history of the league has been influenced by refs or the league with their own agenda. If I knew this was happening 100% of the time I obviously wouldn't watch but if its happening less than 1% I'll take my chances, plus maybe the refs will bet on us that week to even it out.

Keep in mind I didn't say the games were "fixed" per se; only that when possible, the refs are under instructions to step in to influence the league-preferred outcome. Of course some officials are less subtle going about it than are others.

**Now as far as Sunday's game, I hope to hell that we are in full command since Houston, with the unheralded Andre Johnson, a likeable coach whose job is on the line, an underappreciated QB having a good year, and a team that's always been the bridesmaid but never the bride playing in a bigger media market than SoFL, is a more compelling story to tell to their advertisers' demographics than a team whose most identifiable player won't be on the field, and as a result, most likely won't be relying on that interesting Wildcat formation too much**.

GoonBoss, to continue our "debate" : Yet another week of "Refs 1 Fins 0" yesterday. I rest my case.

...But really, when it comes to connecting the dots, you don't need to be Sherlock Holmes or an inveterate cynic to understand there's an underlying profit-driven league agenda in play, nor Nostradamus to predict the most likely outcomes of close games!
It's like everything else in the world, money drives the train. I just wish it wasn't so obvious to see as it is now.

Who doesn't think the Jets will get a few calls to go their way with the NY media market in play and opening a new stadium next season?
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