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MERGED: Tebow Speculation

Tebow himself is not a cancer, I don't think. Guys like Mike Westhoff, Revis, etc. from the Jets have had nothing but good things to say about him as a teammate and leader.

The problems with Tebow are ) the fans who follow him around like puppy dogs 2) the huge media spotlight. It just creates distraction and circus.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he does have to go play as a backup in the CFL. NFL teams just don't want to deal with it.
Oh god no. What and be the laughing stocks again? If we do that every single person in football will be thinking "Oh so they DONT have a plan", including me. I will be ridiculed by both the Jets and Pats fan at work, not to mention pretty much anyone that happens to hear about it. Tebow should go to Minnesota and run the read option with AP. That would be sick.
Tebow should be signed by jaguars ASAP. He would sell out every game and make him the starting qb.
I wouldnt kill myself if we signed Tebow. Now if we decided we had to create packages for him I definately would. you could do much worse as your third qb. He has already had more of a career than Pat Devlin and more success than Matt Moore. doesnt fit our offense though
I wouldnt kill myself if we signed Tebow. Now if we decided we had to create packages for him I definately would. you could do much worse as your third qb. He has already had more of a career than Pat Devlin and more success than Matt Moore. doesnt fit our offense though
You dont sign him with the intent of being the 3d QB.
Like i have said before, Tim Tebow is not a NFL player, He doesn't Beat his girl friend, or his wife, He doesn't get arrested for Drunk Driving,or smoking dope, he doesn't kill dogs, He doesn't gamble, He doesn't rape or get arrested for rape, He doesn't carry a gun and shoot himself, He doesn't have children running around not knowing their real name, YES he wouldn't fit in the locker room in the NFL.
IF he were signed as a qb on any roster I would call that a mistake. However, I think he could bring something at a new position because I think he is a hard work and a team guy. Sure he is responsible to some degree for his persona, but some are hating on him out of a position of ingnorance. The Jets had no real clue how to use him. Tony was a horrible offensive coordinator period. That fact only created more chaos on the Tebow front. If I heard he was disruptive in the locker room then fine. But that is not what I hear. Works hard. I can't see why he would be any worse than Les Brown wsa last year and he was invited to camp with fewer skills. I know the ultimate reason is distraction. That is why if he came to Miami all the parameters of his use would be defined up front and he would know what position he was going to try out for and how he would fit in.
A few things.... first, there are no valid rumors about Miami being interested in Tebow. Google "Tebow Miami April 2013" and you get nothing. So aside from Tebow fans calling up sports radio shows with their nonsense, there's nothing. Let's stop pretending there is.

Second, we have a 2nd year qb who is still growing and developing in that position. Why the hell would we want to bring the Tebow circus to Miami to make Tannehill endure listening to the "Bring in Tebow" chants that will start halfway through the first quarter? Explain to me how that is anything but a negative for Tannehill.

Last, all this talk about Tebow playing TE or LB... Really? From high school forward he's been a qb. He's never played those positions and a whole lot of you are telling us how great he'd be at them. Based on what? We don't know if he can run accurate routes; we don't know if he can create separation; we don't even know if he can catch.
I wouldnt kill myself if we signed Tebow. Now if we decided we had to create packages for him I definately would. you could do much worse as your third qb. He has already had more of a career than Pat Devlin and more success than Matt Moore. doesnt fit our offense though

Not worth the baggage. The circus and the religious sermons all for a third qb? Please no lol, don't bring this guy anywhere near our Dolphins.
Tebow himself is not a cancer, I don't think. Guys like Mike Westhoff, Revis, etc. from the Jets have had nothing but good things to say about him as a teammate and leader.

The problems with Tebow are ) the fans who follow him around like puppy dogs 2) the huge media spotlight. It just creates distraction and circus.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he does have to go play as a backup in the CFL. NFL teams just don't want to deal with it.

Exactly man. Me personally I hate being around people who always preach. But honestly, I have nothing against Tebow, he actually seems like a good dude, I got nothing against him.
My problem is more with the media obviously, and the flock of sheep that follow him like what he ****s is gold.
It's just astonishing how a third string qb gets so much media attention.
I don't want all that nonsense taking away from all the good on our team now.
I want to keep it football, not this other judgmental, holier than thou stuff.
Please No Tebow.
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