MERGED: The best picture of Miami's Media | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: The best picture of Miami's Media

I've read that thread several times. It is disgusting those assclowns make a living covering a team they so obviously despise.
What's Funny Is That They Are Mad That Saban Has Basically Banned Them From Our Locker Room And Restricted Their Access..........they Are A Bunch Of *** Clowns!
painnotpleasure said:
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: That was the greatest thing I've ever read. YOU RULE D-MIKE!! Thanks for posting that, I was hysterical when you mentioned Portis. Armando Salguero What a loser. :0wned: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

It just goes to show what we are dealing with in terms of the Miami Media. They do not want to see Miami successful and they would love to see Saban struggle. Especially since Saban is calling them on their behavior and serving them notice it is going to change or they will continue to see limits place on their access to the team.

Moreover, I think they intentionally (some of them) try to be devisive and create wedge issues between the FO, coaches, fans, and the team.

Make no mistake Dolfans...most of them don't like us or our team.
WILLIS29 said:
What's Funny Is That They Are Mad That Saban Has Basically Banned Them From Our Locker Room And Restricted Their Access..........they Are A Bunch Of *** Clowns!
Exactly, and onehas to wonder why they would be surprised that it was coming. Frankly, I'd have been disappointed if Saban hadnt done something. Its tough enough to make a winner without putting out fires they create all week long.
mbsinmisc said:
I've read that thread several times. It is disgusting those assclowns make a living covering a team they so obviously despise.

No kidding. What a priviledge they have.....

What really was upsetting to me about ARMONDO-GATE was the way he responded to my inquiry (using the Miami Herald email - his work email). I thought it was unprofessional and I was surprised that he'd dig a hole that deep. Obviously the public agreed because it grew into a scandel that was discussed on the Joe Rose show, Howard David show, Big O, etc......

He and Ethan even went on the show to explain themselves.....but it was all backtrack and smoke screen for Armondo.
That was good stuff. I've been following that thread since it's inception last year. Funny stuff... On the same note, does anyone else here thinks it's funny that everyone is making such a big deal over a "high-five". Who cares if the guy roots for the beverly beavers as long as when he does his job, ie. write articles, he is unbiased about the Dolphins. Seriously, why spend so much time on something so insignificant. Doesn't anyone have anything better to do???? including me...
Weren't they high five'n because they felt it meant that Wanstedt would finally get fired? I thought everybody wanted that too, even though he didn't get fired and was given another chance. That said I hate the way the media is always so negative.
mugen said:
Weren't they high five'n because they felt it meant that Wanstedt would finally get fired? I thought everybody wanted that too, even though he didn't get fired and was given another chance. That said I hate the way the media is always so negative.
No. It was because at that point in the game the announcer made mention that Miami was eliminated from the playoffs based on Denver's win.
Pericles349 said:
On the same note, does anyone else here thinks it's funny that everyone is making such a big deal over a "high-five". Who cares if the guy roots for the beverly beavers as long as when he does his job, ie. write articles, he is unbiased about the Dolphins. Seriously, why spend so much time on something so insignificant. Doesn't anyone have anything better to do???? including me...

I think thats the point Pericles.....they have proven to show bias and it was classless to high five in public when it was announced we were out of the playoffs. It was even worse to lie about it after the fact and then continue building on the lie.
No kidding. What a priviledge they have.....

What really was upsetting to me about ARMONDO-GATE was the way he responded to my inquiry (using the Miami Herald email - his work email). I thought it was unprofessional and I was surprised that he'd dig a hole that deep. Obviously the public agreed because it grew into a scandel that was discussed on the Joe Rose show, Howard David show, Big O, etc......

He and Ethan even went on the show to explain themselves.....but it was all backtrack and smoke screen for Armondo.

To be fair, it was Jason Cole and not Ethan. And Cole really manned up and took his medicine. Really fell on the sword. Great thread nonetheless. If we hadn't retired it, it would probably still be on Page 1 today.
For DolphanMike

If it makes you feel any better, after I attended the JAX massacre I was sitting in the JAX airport bar 2 seats away from Armando and kept listening him mock Jimmy by saying,"This team had a chance to be special by getting their *** kicked 62-7." He must have said it 6 times at least. At one point, he kept saying it not realizing Tom Heckert walked up behind him and he shut up real fast. FYI....
hehateme said:
If it makes you feel any better, after I attended the JAX massacre I was sitting in the JAX airport bar 2 seats away from Armando and kept listening him mock Jimmy by saying,"This team had a chance to be special by getting their *** kicked 62-7." He must have said it 6 times at least. At one point, he kept saying it not realizing Tom Heckert walked up behind him and he shut up real fast. FYI....

I heard something about that story coming out way back then. I always wondered if it was true. If it wasnt that particular situation, then it was something similar.
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