MERGED: The best picture of Miami's Media | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: The best picture of Miami's Media

Terry, they brought this on themselves. "They have sown the wind, and now they shall reap the whirlwind."
The Media's job is to report the news...not make the news.

The Miami Media has two problems as I see it. First, they are arrogant and hope to see the Dolphins, Saban, etc fail. They hope we struggle IMO. ARMONDO in particular has had several public "scenes" where he has been spotted making anti - Fins comments.
Second, the Miami Media wants to create strife and divisions within the organization. It's not real hard to spot when you look over some of their articles.

Until that changes I hope Saban continues to limit them as much as possible.


This kind of crap has to stop. I'm a reasonable person. I don't go out looking for someone to get down on or create a problem with. However, these Miami Media goons have drawn first blood. The have set their hearts against the Miami Dolphins. They want to be a negative force that effects the fan base, team chemistry, and the FO.I see these goons as forces trying to hurt my team. If they are going to continue to act irresponsible in public and make comments that put down my team, and if they are going to write crap that is speculative to a falsehood that hurts my team or individuals, or write crap that causes division in my teams organization....THEY ARE THE ENEMY. If they are part of the problem then they need to be handled. Nick Saban is the handler. I think he's doing a great job with them and being reasonable in the process.

You're absolutely right about how they should be reporting, not making the news. If they wanted to celebrate, they shouldve "slapped" five at one of their houses somewhere. I never said what they were doing this season or last was right, but I can understand why they may be doing it.

I dont htink they are deliberately trying to take down "the man" (the Dolphins), they are prying for story order to do that, they may have done questionable things....which is wrong. It of course makes them look bad. They have a job to do...if they dont get info (however ways they get it) they dont have material for a story, and their articles dont sell papers, and they are fired.

To sum it up I am not condoning what they have done, but it will take me a little more to criticize them (which i will when i dont agree with them, believe me) because i kinda understand where they are coming from. Its just that finding a truly objective Dolphins fan (like Joe Schad for one) is difficult.
TerryTate said:
You're absolutely right about how they should be reporting, not making the news. If they wanted to celebrate, they shouldve "slapped" five at one of their houses somewhere. I never said what they were doing this season or last was right, but I can understand why they may be doing it.

I dont htink they are deliberately trying to take down "the man" (the Dolphins), they are prying for story order to do that, they may have done questionable things....which is wrong. It of course makes them look bad. They have a job to do...if they dont get info (however ways they get it) they dont have material for a story, and their articles dont sell papers, and they are fired.

To sum it up I am not condoning what they have done, but it will take me a little more to criticize them (which i will when i dont agree with them, believe me) because i kinda understand where they are coming from. Its just that finding a truly objective Dolphins fan (like Joe Schad for one) is difficult.
I hear you. Personally I'm actually hoping that somehow, someway, Saban can win them over. I'm not sure winning though is all it will take to win them over.
Agua said:
Terry, they brought this on themselves. "They have sown the wind, and now they shall reap the whirlwind."
I agree. This past year is just a natural progression of things coming to a head for them. You can't be in their position doing the things they are without being noticed and confronted.
I love our beloved Sports Reporters in Miami. God Bless LeBatard! My avatar says it all. Honestly, I believe we have some of the worst saboteurs covering the sports beat in this country working in Miami. The fattest laziest and most ruthless guys who just want to wallow in the Miami sun, on the beach covered in suntan oil like elephant seals. Its too bad we don't have ocean predators down here big enough to eat these guys (I'm digressing). What LeBatard did when he had the exclusive during the Ricky Williams retirement was disgusting. He made Mike Wallace look like a loyal Dolphins fan! All we have to do is collectively stop listening to their radio shows and buying their papers. They will be fired and replaced. I don't listen to any local radio or read any local papers. Look at me a man of utter contempt for Miami sports media!
DrewOldSchool said:
I love our beloved Sports Reporters in Miami. God Bless LeBatard! My avatar says it all. Honestly, I believe we have some of the worst saboteurs covering the sports beat in this country working in Miami. The fattest laziest and most ruthless guys who just want to wallow in the Miami sun, on the beach covered in suntan oil like elephant seals. Its too bad we don't have ocean predators down here big enough to eat these guys (I'm digressing). What LeBatard did when he had the exclusive during the Ricky Williams retirement was disgusting. He made Mike Wallace look like a loyal Dolphins fan! All we have to do is collectively stop listening to their radio shows and buying their papers. They will be fired and replaced. I don't listen to any local radio or read any local papers. Look at me a man of utter contempt for Miami sports media!
La Batard was at an all time low when the Wicky Rilliams situation hit. He wanted to rub it in as hard and long as possible. What a boob he is....I can't wait until he gets shafted somehow in the future.
La Batard was at an all time low when the Wicky Rilliams situation hit. He wanted to rub it in as hard and long as possible. What a boob he is....I can't wait until he gets shafted somehow in the future.

Well, you may be better off hoping that he goes permanently to ESPN, because he is moving up, not moving down...he already is Part time on there..

At least he'll get off of the Miami Dolphins for your sake.
TerryTate said:
Well, you may be better off hoping that he goes permanently to ESPN, because he is moving up, not moving down...he already is Part time on there..

At least he'll get off of the Miami Dolphins for your sake.
He's easily the most disliked on the Miami Media. Although I'm not sure he's any worse than the others.
He's easily the most disliked on the Miami Media. Although I'm not sure he's any worse than the others.

Id say the sentiment on this site is split for worst Miami media member between LeBatard and Salguero...
I gotta say that there is a stark contrast from the miami sports media to the way it is handled up here. The journalist up here are actually fans of the teams they cover. I get embarressed when I read some of the garbage that gets printed(and said) down there(about the phins). Goldberg and Lebatard suck, imo.
PhinstiGator said:
C'mon TerryTate. That position that you tried to make was a watered down pile of weakness. It's not befitting to you. You act as if we should praise these guys because there job is so hard and they are not homers. I think we should only praise them when they give us a good product. Still waiting...

No one can seriously make the arguement that the high five boys are only trying to be objective. Please, Don't go there and sacrifice your credibility.

The idea that a beat reporter must not want the team they are covering to succeed is hogwash. Good grief...just read this message board...Dolphins fans get critical. You can be critical, supportive and maintain a level of objectivity at the same time.

Our local media is selfish. Ethan admitted such with his insights into the life a reporter. They want a story for selfish purposes. That is not the definition of objectivity. The media is saturated with hypocrisy. Sabans secrecy is too selfish. They argue that secrecy will not make us a better team all the while they have NO internal passion to see us become a better team. In fact, objectively...I could say that many in the Miami media would LOVE for the Dolphins to fail.

Saban does well to be secretive. The media has proven that they are not trustworthy for the purpose of meeting our objective. And our beloved media still can't be objective about that...can they?

This is one FINE post! The integrity of the 3rd estate has long lost its credibility. Even on the sports page.
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