Merged: The main reason why I think Ricky is clearly staying. | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: The main reason why I think Ricky is clearly staying.

Saban Has A Master Plan For Our Starting Qb Dont Forget Gus Was
Linehans Man Now That Hes Gone Gus Will Be The Back Up To Who Saban Puts To Man The Reigns Good Things Are In The Fins Future
Dont Forget We Have A Real Coach Now.......
i tihink saban wants to ricky he will do so. he may trade anyone to get younger at this point i am not concerned with it nick knows what he is doing with the draft ! but if we trade this players for high draft picks remember that we have to sign them with the rookie allotment! i dont know the number for this but high draft picks are costly with bonuses and salary . does anyone know for a fact where we (dolphins) stand when it come to the salary cap ?
this could actually be a help to find out where we are going with all these rumors.ricky i think is worth a 1st , jt is worth that plus ,zach is worth a 1st so where does it end. put who or whom ever you want in the equation(sp) it could be and 1st 2nd 3 rd and so on????
Wow Lets Just Get Rid Of Zack ,jt ,ricky, The Heart Of My Team For Some Unproven College Miracle Nfl Stand Outs We Hope For Our Proven Pro Bowl Talents Nice Dream Dude All The Way In Pennsylvania Land You Must Be One Of Wanny's Relatives Brain Washed And All Please Dont Let The Cold Weather Or Wanny Drive You To Those Crazy Sugestions We Can All Do Without!!!!!!
dh14evr said:
Wow Lets Just Get Rid Of Zack ,jt ,ricky, The Heart Of My Team For Some Unproven College Miracle Nfl Stand Outs We Hope For Our Proven Pro Bowl Talents Nice Dream Dude All The Way In Pennsylvania Land You Must Be One Of Wanny's Relatives Brain Washed And All Please Dont Let The Cold Weather Or Wanny Drive You To Those Crazy Sugestions We Can All Do Without!!!!!!
where did i ever say get rid of anyone man!! i was just simply saying that they would be worth atleast those picks from teams !!!
Well Al Or Is It Albert Ty For Jumping On Me I Guess You Cant Read. So Try Rereading It Ok!!
csabe said:
Released is one thing, saying JT is worth less than Ricky is just plain nutz! Nobody is going to be lining up to trade a first for Ricky that is for sure. Any player can be traded, but every situation is different. You can't even begin to compare Ricky and JT.

I have never compared ricky to JT, i dont know where you got that from. I am only stating that every player has a price. Im a loyal fin and love JT but after what saban had said I dont think any player is safe if the price is right.
AquaAssasin said:
I have never compared ricky to JT, i dont know where you got that from. I am only stating that every player has a price. Im a loyal fin and love JT but after what saban had said I dont think any player is safe if the price is right.

You said you would rather trade JT than Ricky for a first, right? Anyone is tradeable if the price is right, but Ricky is on the trading block not JT. Madison, Ricky and a few others are the ones who are likely to be gone but our big time players who have been loyal and are warriors are not being traded unless someone makes an offer that Saban can't refuse. Which is very unlikely. The others though none of us would be surpised to see traded, especially Ricky.
marinotoclayton said:
Well if you were the gm you just might be hurting the team by holding on to a player that has stated he only wants to play a few more years. If we can get value for him now I would take a second or a third if it helps us down the run. Plus do you think Ricky is not going to want to play for cheap forever. He is going to want to get paid somehow and trading him helps him also.

And if Edge and Shaun couldn't garner a high pick do you think Ricky has more value than either of them? I am sorry but I do not think he is all that especially when he splits carries. Hopefully we can trade him for a draft pick and make a move to get something we need in draft. Like a Qb or upgrade at offensive line. Although I would rather see a QB taken.

value is keeping ricky as a backup with his price tag. He only plays a couple of years thats fine. It will pave the way for ronnie to take whole show over...Im sorry but I couldnt trade a player of rickys caliber to any team unless its a first.

thats just the way I think. Will it happpen, No, maybe, yes. We Dont know anything. We will have to wait and see.

I will tell you one thing, if its true what Mort reported, I wouldnt be too surprised to see ricky not being traded and the full time starter..
Guess I Jumped The Gun Just Drives Me Nuts With All This Trade Talk My Bad Skip I Think With A Good Qb 90% Of Our Problems R Solved But Thats My 2 Cents ...we Sould Have Never Traded Surtain
But That Is History
csabe said:
You said you would rather trade JT than Ricky for a first, right? Anyone is tradeable if the price is right, but Ricky is on the trading block not JT. Madison, Ricky and a few others are the ones who are likely to be gone but our big time players who have been loyal and are warriors are not being traded unless someone makes an offer that Saban can't refuse. Which is very unlikely. The others though none of us would be surpised to see traded, especially Ricky.

I have never said i would rather trade JT then Ricky. WTF did you hear that from. All I said is that any player can be had for the right price and that comment was made by saban.

Bro, no disrespect but you need to get your facts str8.. Read all my post o this forum. I am far from trading JT and even ricky but at the same time i would trade any player if the price was right..(KEY WORD PRICE WAS RIGHT).

Tell me somthing, would you trade JT for 2 1st round picks. I know I sure in the heck would and who wouldnt. I know saban would, that kind of deal donesnt come by at all. i dont even remember the last a franchise player was traded for 2 1st picks
csabe said:
You said you would rather trade JT than Ricky for a first, right? Anyone is tradeable if the price is right, but Ricky is on the trading block not JT. Madison, Ricky and a few others are the ones who are likely to be gone but our big time players who have been loyal and are warriors are not being traded unless someone makes an offer that Saban can't refuse. Which is very unlikely. The others though none of us would be surpised to see traded, especially Ricky.

Ricky isnt on the trading block. Saban never said directly he was on the block. Saban said any player could be traded.

The reason why people keep thinking Ricky is the on block is because of the media hype trying to strir chit up. Just because teams inquire about a player doesnt mean he is on the block.
AquaAssasin said:
I have never said i would rather trade JT then Ricky. WTF did you hear that from. All I said is that any player can be had for the right price and that comment was made by saban.

Bro, no disrespect but you need to get your facts str8.. Read all my post o this forum. I am far from trading JT and even ricky.

"Its plain and simple, Saban should keep Ricky at all costs unless its a first rounder. I would even give up JT for a 1st." your quote

Were you saying that you wouldn't give up JT for a first then. If so sorry about that I must have misread the above post. Thought you were saying you would give up JT for a first but not Ricky.
AquaAssasin said:
Ricky isnt on the trading block. Saban never said directly he was on the block. Saban any player could be traded.

The reason why people keep thinking Ricky is the on block is because of the media hype trying to strir chit up. Just because teams inquire about a player doesnt mean he is on the block.

Ricky is most likely to be traded out of 99% of our team though. Saban never says anything substantial though. He was asked about TO and didn't really answer the question. He leaves open all possibilities by the way he answers the questions. It's all a process..LOL. Can't take anything he says as true. Just look at the draft last year, talking B. Edwards the whole time. Then taking Brown. He obviously will trade anyone like you said but Ricky is someone who he would seriously consider trading if he got a good draft pick in return IMO.
csabe said:
Its plain and simple, Saban should keep Ricky at all costs unless its a first rounder. I would even give up JT for a 1st.

Were you saying that you wouldn't give up JT for a first then. If so sorry about that I must have misread the above post. Thought you were saying you would give up JT for a first but not Ricky.

LOL, no biggie but seriously. I was on eof those fans that was really against trading quality players and frankly I still am, but once i heard what saban had to say I am not to sure anyone is safe.
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