Merged X 34: Hey look - a Randy Moss thread! | Page 15 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged X 34: Hey look - a Randy Moss thread!

Do you want Moss on the Phins?

  • Yes, via waivers or FA

    Votes: 208 62.3%
  • Yes, only via waivers

    Votes: 61 18.3%
  • Yes, only via FA

    Votes: 7 2.1%
  • No

    Votes: 58 17.4%

  • Total voters
Absolutely Pennington could play a part in this, Moss will make very clear to the teams he has no interest in not to waste their time. Pennington being a Dolphin and Miami chances of winning coupled with South Florida's desirable location could make it happen.......but we will see............................................

If I'm not mistaken, doesn't Moss have a home in Boca?
i feel like marshall may raise issues if we brought moss in... he wants to be THE guy, might as well keep the status quo... although if they could make everyone happy and somehow moss slipped to miami, i suppose i wouldn't mind
Yeah but all the negatives mentioned in the article come with no risk other than money. If he can't be a team player then bye bye you lose nothing but money. Maybe being cut is the slap in the face he needed. Could he look at the rest of this season as an audition to get one last contract? I say let the Dolphins be his stage. Even as a half year rental he brings a lot of upside to the table. Worst case scenario he dogs it. I would still consider him useful as a decoy, the opposing defense will still have to account for him. Hell the guy had 13 td's in'09 and has 5 already this season.
if woodhead was that big of a catch for the jets then they wouldnt have let him go. even though the pats got him im sure the jets are happy for him.

i really doubt moss will make it to on the 3 teams mentioned. id be surprised if he makes it past the bills.
I would love to have him Oppsite of Marshall it will make our whole offense even better
remind my we would sign someone on our team so we can deactivate him? we would still need to pay him if we deactivated him, and he is so talented, that would be a waste.
Here is why: "The Dolphins would want Moss simply to avoid letting the Patriots get him."


Also he is a cancer to any team he is on (that's not in Boston). And who cares about talent when he lollygags on the field the whole game. Yeah we'll pay him his contract to ride the pine and piss Belichick off. I wouldn't say its without purpose.
i would love to have him in a fins uniform him and marshall on the field at the same time would be scary
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