Miami Dolphin Roster moves | Page 23 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Miami Dolphin Roster moves

Better be ready for the PR storm if they trade Stills.

So much for that "motivating" Jay-z playlist....

MODS: please dont be quick on the delete button. Read this ALL and you will see its legit in theory and NOT meant for a social dust up.

I thought it odd when flores gave that speech to the media last week about how he loved and admired stills so much, told them he was completely behind kenny's social protest (no, its not politics as some have branded it), would never dump him, blaahhh, blaaah..... . Just seemed weird, the timing of it was off, went before the whole team, praising kenny, praising the "struggle".

Afterwords i am thinking this is a 1st time h/c and taking that on, with media, pretty risky for someone who hasnt done a thing yet. Well, i think we can see exactly why now. It is a SET UP!! You can bet from Ross on down this was structured as to get behind all the finger pointing and poop storm the whiners will be bringing once kenny's rig hits the texas highway. Finz brass will point to that press conference with all the pro kenny talk and he (flo) would never get rid if him as he supports his protest.....etc..... .

Now, i DO believe flo is down with all this struggle stuff, but he ended it with "but i dont support the kneeling". Ahhhh, the soft shoe!! That raised the eye brow when he through that in. This was all to soften the blow of kenny stills being traded after the ross/trump thing (surely the brass were krapping themselves when kenny went rogue to the media). I think this whole trade (to whom ever/for whatever) was in the works, weeks ago, unknown to stills at the time. So the finz brass went into "how we gonna fix this" mode and a week after the ross/trump thing, head coach is singing the praises of stills to the heavens and flo owning the social protest saying "it is his life story". Pretty solid aye?

Smart. And as i said, i believe flo, he is down with it all so this gives the finz an out for the coming storm and ross lynch mob, flo saves face with black community and players, cnn/nfl network are happy (maybe, they have hated ross since bully gate) and the trade comes off as a bed of roses.

As i said, smart. This bunch may have a little more on the ball brain matter wise than i initially thought. I believe this team is going to be better than we all thought/think. I really like the scheme of this defense we have seen so far and the offense has some talent in spots and remember, they showed a very basic, super vanilla farce in pre season. This offense will look different when full scheme and game planning are in. This coaching staff is FAR superior than last years. I think something fairly big is coming and hopefully a quality right guard somewhere in it all. The team big wigs deserve applause for putting together that press conference sales job for the stills trade.

Send in the Clown(ies)!!!
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Rebuilding is also about acquiring your cornerstones for the foundation of the team. When you can get them for pennies on the dollar you are hedging your bets in a very smart and savvy way. Getting Rosen was such an example. Getting the Clown man for a 2nd, or a 3rd and a player or two, is another. He is young enough to build around and we can tag him the next year too. That gives Flores two years to convince him to stay.

So don't think it is stupid if we draft a QB and DE high next year also. Because two in the hand beats four in the bush. You can get a pair of guards in the 3rd but you can't get a top flight DE that is well suited both both 3-4 and 4-3.
BTW, I know some people here think Harris will have a better year because he's done ok in preseason but if this coaching staff really was high on him, would they be trying to trade for Clowney when Harris is so much cheaper?
This is like comparing Apples and Oranges. This has nothing to do with Harris or his salary but a strategic move for the future!
BTW, I know some people here think Harris will have a better year because he's done ok in preseason but if this coaching staff really was high on him, would they be trying to trade for Clowney when Harris is so much cheaper?

Because you need 2 defensive ends...

Harris is a guy not worth resigning anyways based on his career trajectory. He's not all of a sudden be a 10 sack guy with his limited athletic profile.
Because you need 2 defensive ends...

Harris is a guy not worth resigning anyways based on his career trajectory. He's not all of a sudden be a 10 sack guy with his limited athletic profile.
But that's my point. Harris is not as good as some people here might think so they need a real DE
I misread it, but I still believe you go after clowney no matter what, you need more than one DE
I wouldn't mind having a player like Clowney but I'd be very careful with how much we give up for him as he could leave after just one year.
Yeah, but they are about to destroy all of their good work by turning around and trading for Clowney. Even if they can't get it done, it's really disturbing just knowing they are interested in making such a stupid move.

Is odd indeed. He’s a hell of a player. Good vs the run too. Be a de in 4 man fronts and a stand up rush lb in 3 man ones.

Probably start opposite harris with carradine rotating as the 3rd.

Even on a one year rental he’s well worth a 2nd round pick and that includes playing at the tag #.

But this doesn’t help your 2020 draft slot if it goes down.

On the market he’d find $100 mil guaranteed assuming there’s no skeletons in the medical easy.

He can take over games and must be accounted for gameplan wise.
BTW, I know some people here think Harris will have a better year because he's done ok in preseason but if this coaching staff really was high on him, would they be trying to trade for Clowney when Harris is so much cheaper?
Being high on someone, and seeing it happen, are two different things.

I believe the light will (has) come on for Harris this year. Even if the coaching staff believed that too, it hasn't happened yet.

Whatever Harris does or doesn't do, it doesn't obviate the need to add elite talent when the chance presents itself.

They could think Harris was going to have 18.5 sacks this season, and still want to add Clowney.

As many have said, you need two ends. Not only that, you need two starting ends and two backup ends to rotate in. Not only that, players get injured.

I don't think pursuit of Clowney says a single thing about Charles Harris and what the staff thinks of him.
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