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Mort: Suh signing with Miami

Earth - wake and Suh-nami! BEWARE OPPOSING QBS, errrr....errrr.....errrr

This is not a warning
Andrew Abramson ‏@AbramsonPBP
I've heard some surprise that Suh deal was leaked today. Technically (but not in reality) deals aren't supposed to be consummated until Tues

What about the other FAs whose money has already been determined and "leaked"? Randall Cobb's deal was leaked last night.
The Evolution Of A Knee-Jerk Martin Defender/Reflex Phins Condemner

1. "He was bullied and the victim of insidious racism"

2. "Even if he did the same pranks, conducted similar harassment, he clearly did it to fit in .. and don't forget that Incog threatened to rape his sister."

3. "Have you ever heard of 'Stockholm Syndrome?' Clearly he identified with his harassers and no longer knew the difference between right and wrong. (and he was only kidding when he threatened to kill Incog's 'whole ****ing family.)"

4. "Never wanted him in the first place; I'm glad the team is rid of them all."

None of that is anti-Dolphin. If you're accusing me of being anti-Incognito, I was and still would be if he were here. I think he was a detriment to this team just as was Jonathan Martin whose talent I was criticizing long before the Incognito thing blew up.

Further, if my criticism of Incognito is anti-Dolphin, can't he same be said for your criticism (or anyone's for that matter) of Philbin? If criticism of a player is being anti-Dolphin, then surely criticism of a coach would be too. And just out of curiosity, have you never wanted any current player to be gone from the roster? That seems to be the standard you're setting so I'm wondering if you're living up to it.

The search feature lets you go back a full year. Surely, if I'm anti-Dolphin, you can find something I've said that is anti-Dolphin rather than anti some particular player.

Now if I had said something like this, "I am now emotionally numb from being too invested in the success and promise of this year's team...and approaching a point of benign apathy towards either of the final 2 games outcomes," perhaps you'd have me on something.
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What about the other FAs whose money has already been determined and "leaked"? Randall Cobb's deal was leaked last night.

he's resigning so not a big deal.

Also, if that Detroit quote is true, only thing I agree with is playing for Austin (who is on my short list to look at if/when Philbin is fired). Aside from DeAndre Levy, I wouldn't say there's anybody on Detroit's defense I'd say is significantly better than our guys
This is GONNA B GOOD!!!

Miko needs to STFU!!!!

I never had any issues with Incognito, let's just hope they word the contract in a way to bring the very BEST out of Suh.

Hopefully he will be required to be around in the off season and in all 'voluntary' type off season stuff. He is in a completely different category then Odrick or Starks
so... when Suh says he ain't feelin' OTA's, does Queasy Joe start with the "principal" act; or does he go right into talking shet on him to media?

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so... when Suh says he ain't feelin' OTA's, does Queasy Joe start with the "principal" act; or does he go right into talking shet on him to media?

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Suh has missed like one practice since he was drafted
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