Most dissapointing season by far. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Most dissapointing season by far.


I like boobs.
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May 3, 2003
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LSU Tiger Stadium
I've been a fanatic of this beloved team since the late 80's and this is the most dissapointing season I've seen so far.

At least we got somewhere when Stoyanovich missed that game-winning field goal during the playoffs at San Diego in '95, even though that stung really really bad.

This year was just pathetic. I've never seen such a solid roster underachieve so much. The Eagles game was a microcosm of the whole season. One area of the team shows up, while the other plays horribly. We fight to make it close, but in the waning critical moments we find a way to F it up and give the game away. The whole season followed suit.

I can't wait till next year with a good coach and hopefully some good o-linemen and a renewed sense of spirit.
1985 is still the most disappointing season I can ever imagine since we just made the SB, then beat the Bears on MNF and were home to play a very average Pats' team in the AFC champiosnship. And we F'ed it away in a terrential rain storm- a curse ???

this year is no more disappointing than last year. maybe even less so since Wanne will be gone and we will get some closure
oh and your boy Nick Saban might be coming to Miami...their was some article on that...about Denny Green and Nick Saban commenting on the Atlanta job but both said something about coaching farther south!!!
This season was no worse than any of the other disappointing failures. Every season that Marino didn't get a ring was a disgrace. :fire:
Yes, it is my opinion. That's all I was stating.

As far as Saban, the ONLY way I want him coming to the NFL is if he comes to our Fins. If not, I want him at LSU forever.
There were a lot of dissapointing seasons when we had Marino. I must agree, but I personally have a short memory. This is the worst.
The worst time I can remember was Miami's AFC Champ. game at home vs. the that hurt really bad...I still have nightmares of the Bills RB screen that we could not stop and when Tony Martin dropped the ball that Marino threw so perfectly to him...oh that game was horrible!!!
Any season we don't go to the Super Bowl in is the most disappointing. Talent, year in and year out. Same results. To think, I was 3 when we went to the SB in 1984. Too bad I didn't know what the hell football was back then
The loss to the Pats the first game this year was the most disappointing loss i've had in a while. Ever since that Bledsoe comeback on the Phins on a monday nighter several years ago. This season has been predictible and hansn't been a big disappointment. The whole Fiedler Wanny tenure though has been a big waste of time
I don't know. I mean, say these Phins made it to the AFC Championship game and lost a very close game......sure, I'd be disappointed. Probably more heartbroken than anything else. But I wouldn't feel that THE SEASON was a disappointment per say. In the grand scheme of things, we wouldn't have reached our goal. The same goal that 31 other teams didn't reach. But I could find some solace in finishing that way (AFC runner-up in a close game).
Originally posted by 1972
This season was no worse than any of the other disappointing failures. Every season that Marino didn't get a ring was a disgrace. :fire:
the disgrace was not getting marino any help (running game)
Originally posted by tenndolfan4ever
the disgrace was not getting marino any help (running game)

Can you imagine what could have been if Marino had a Ricky Williams-type back? Now that would have been something.
I was not disappointed or suprised. I disagree with you about the talent of our roster. I knew when we did not address the OLine in the off season we were in trouble. Then when Dixon and Nails both went down I knew we were in deep trouble. This team did nothing to improve itself this off season. We did not get the linemen or the WRs that we needed. WHen I criticized the draft and the free agency I got slammed on this board. We got more defensive help, but you know Seau and Knight are older and they can't pull all the weight. That along with Jay "noodle arm" Fiedler who chokes in every important game, I knew we were a long shot.
I took a lot of crap from the faithful here. I was dubbed "negative" and not a "real fan" because I woudln't roll over and lick the teams boots. I am a realist, and I know this game. We are just not talented enough to win in this league. With the exception of Ricky, Chambers and McMichael no one on our offense would start for 80% of the other teams. On defense we are getting old and slow.

This team better get some real fire power or they are not going to make it. The sad thing is they have no money to work with. So this will be a long process not a quick solution. This may be the beginning of the end for the current Dolphin era.

We can only hope that we fire Wanny's butt out of here and get a coach in who can at least make us competitive again. Which this year we weren't.

Hear that? Its the winds of change blowing.
Originally posted by Muck
I don't know. I mean, say these Phins made it to the AFC Championship game and lost a very close game......sure, I'd be disappointed. Probably more heartbroken than anything else. But I wouldn't feel that THE SEASON was a disappointment per say. In the grand scheme of things, we wouldn't have reached our goal. The same goal that 31 other teams didn't reach. But I could find some solace in finishing that way (AFC runner-up in a close game).

You are right, Muck. And that's why alot of us said that Wanny should at least get us to the AFC game to keep his job. He already won the AFCE title his first yr here so the next step is at least getting to the AFC. But he has had this team in a tailspin since then. Even last yr the playoffs, if not the AFCE with home field was controled by us during the last gm. this yr, we're likely out of it again EVEN if we have a better record than LY. IMO, even a 10-6 record and no playoffs is worse than LY cuz at least LY we were in it til the end. While not mathematically out yet, I would say the odds of us winning out along with Denver losing out [to make the playoffs] is about slim and none. We're going to Buff this weekend and it's gonna be colder that a witch's platootie up there and we all know how well we fare in cold conditions. But i would say our best chance for a loss would be at home against the Jets. ESPECIALLY if we need the win to make the playoffs. Somehow, some way, the Jets seem to have a way to prevent us. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: ;)
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