Most memorable moment as a Dolfan | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Most memorable moment as a Dolfan

For me it is still sweet on the mnf when we derailed the bears train to keep the undefeted season record intact..
Marino's fake spike in the jets game.

That's mine too ...and made even better because I was at the game, sitting in the 15th row of the end zone facing the play, wearing a Dolphins hat, and surrounded by Jet fans. Awesome!!!

Coming in #2 would have to be AJ Duhe's interceptions in the '82 AFC Championship Game. Had I not been at the fake spike game, this would probably have been #1.
First TD pass of the game against Chicago on Monday night in 1985, from Marino to Nat Moore. A "David and Goliath" game in which that early TD, against a defense some said we wouldn't score on, signaled that the Dolphins had come to play, and the Bears weren't going to walk away with that one. :up:

Starts at 2:37 here:


Listen to the electricity in the OB. :)
Beating the Bears in '85 MNF (Orange Bowl Magic)
Comeback win over Chiefs in '90 AFC wildcard (Marino to Clayton for game winner).
Beating Colts in '00 AFC wildcard. (Lamar Smith with OT game winning run)
'82 AFC Championship win over jets (A.J. Duhe)
Every one that has been mentioned is up there but I also go to give a shout to Lamar Smith's 209 against the Colts in the playoffs that day he was a beast.
Terrell Buckley with a 100 yd pick 6 in Buffalo to seal the game. This was in the 90s and I remember running around outside right after in celebration.

i was at that game. First ever Dolphins game(live in pgh). Friend of mine in college was from Erie, and a big Bills fan. Went up with him. Sat 2nd row behind opposite endzone of the int, Had to watch on jumbotron, turned around after int, and T-Buck was running right at me! Awesome.
Marino's comeback game against the Patsies. The most fun game I've ever been to. Best sports fan experience of my childhood.
Ricky Williams runs over Wesley for the Kansas City Chiefs


Coming up with a scheme that highlight Ricky and Ronnie aka R&R express. Reviving Ricky's career.

Everything else was taken but what about my man Bryan Cox coming out of the tunnel in Buffalo with a double middle finger salute!
The fake spike game is also a favorite of mine. I have told the story before on here but I was at the mall that day and I sat down in the TV section of Montgomery Ward, which was a department store similar to what Sears is like today. Anyway I just remember sitting there by myself on one of their new couches watching the game at the very end and when that play happened I practically ran around the store and mall in celebration.
One memorable game? I don't have one, but any time we beat the STANKIN Jets it is memorable to me. I root for the Dolphins and any team that is playing the Jets. ;-) GO DOLPHINS!!
I hate to say it but the 3 games that are stuck in my head are losing the AFC championship game to the bills, Petey missing the FG and losing to San Diego, and the miracle at the meadow lands...Really very few good memories with this team...
Beating the 85 Bears in the Orange Bowl on could feel the energy through the old TV that night from the opening kick-off. No way we were going to lose that game.
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