Most talented team in the NFL??? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Most talented team in the NFL???


Animus facit nobilem
Jul 30, 2002
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This is a hard one...
Who is the most talented team in the NFL???
I'm not talking about well coached or any thing else just pure talent...
DA Raiders 3 years younger would be my pick :lol: ...
Overall its pretty tough but Denver, or GB have a case...
On O the Bills are in the running...
On D with Five perennial Pro-bowlers we are top 3 for sure talent wise...
whaddya think??

Originally posted by Pink_Dove
This is a hard one...
Who is the most talented team in the NFL???
I'm not talking about well coached or any thing else just pure talent...
DA Raiders 3 years younger would be my pick :lol: ...
Overall its pretty tough but Denver, or GB have a case...
On O the Bills are in the running...
On D with Five perennial Pro-bowlers we are top 3 for sure talent wise...
whaddya think??

i WOULD say the packers, but they do have this problem of playing in domed stadiums!:rolleyes:
A year ago one would have to have said the Rams blew everyone else away for sheer offensive talent. I don't think they have had much of a change in offensive personnel except that Kurt Warner's had some injuries. Still they probably won't make the playoffs this year. Go figure.
I tend to think that with the "parity" that has been created, ther eis no one team that stands out as the "most talented". It's all how one team matches up against its opponents, and how well the players "gel". You could look at a team like the Redskins... on paper (with the exception of a weakness at QB) they look like they should be kickin a$$... they have a lot of talent... but that defense chock full of talented, big name players...can't "gel" and don't match up with thier opponents well...
I would say our offense for sure! The Bills O is just kickin!

No offense but how can you say your D in the TOP 3? Do you mean the same defense gave up

130 yds to Moulds
95 yds to Price
306 yds to Bledsoe
150 yds to Henry?

That is nearly 700 yds by just 4 people!
Funny because you counted 225 yards twice, Bledsoe passed 225 yards to Price and Moulds. The Bills offense as a whole didn't even get near 700 yards. Another stupid comment by Quizlet.....
Originally posted by iceblizzard69
Funny because you counted 225 yards twice, Bledsoe passed 225 yards to Price and Moulds. The Bills offense as a whole didn't even get near 700 yards. Another stupid comment by Quizlet.....
He makes a habit of skewing stats to support his argument...
Originally posted by Quizlet
I would say our offense for sure! The Bills O is just kickin!

No offense but how can you say your D in the TOP 3? Do you mean the same defense gave up

130 yds to Moulds
95 yds to Price
306 yds to Bledsoe
150 yds to Henry?

That is nearly 700 yds by just 4 people!
definately, the question was about talent, not about a bunch of lucky SOB's. i wish i had a dollar for everytime the fins got hosed in NY!:yell:
Your right- my mistake--- nearly

500 yds still a huge ammount
I think the Bills' offense is arguably the most talented offense in the NFL right now.

Overall best talent? That's tough. Pittsburgh, Philly, Dallas, Washington, Oakland... Some of these teams records don't reflect their talent.
Originally posted by Sniper
I think the Bills' offense is arguably the most talented offense in the NFL right now.

Overall best talent? That's tough. Pittsburgh, Philly, Dallas, Washington, Oakland... Some of these teams records don't reflect their talent.

i'd agree with Philly (with healthy McNabb... although Detmer didn't do too bad), Oakland (even though their getting old)...Dallas? maybe now that they found a QB, the players may show their talent... Pittsburgh? .... Stewart sux, Maddox may be good...time will tell, but the Bus is broke, and the D just isn't at the same level as past years...Washington? WAY too big of a ? at QB... on paper the rest of the team looks good, but Davis doesn't fit Spurrier's system, so he's wasted on that roster...and the D, for all it's big names, can't play as a unit....I'm just not impressed with the Deadskins at all... at least not yet.

Overall... most talented team....including coaching talent...I'd say the Eagles.
Originally posted by WharfRat
i'd agree with Philly (with healthy McNabb... although Detmer didn't do too bad), Oakland (even though their getting old)...Dallas? maybe now that they found a QB, the players may show their talent... Pittsburgh? .... Stewart sux, Maddox may be good...time will tell, but the Bus is broke, and the D just isn't at the same level as past years...Washington? WAY too big of a ? at QB... on paper the rest of the team looks good, but Davis doesn't fit Spurrier's system, so he's wasted on that roster...and the D, for all it's big names, can't play as a unit....I'm just not impressed with the Deadskins at all... at least not yet.

Overall... most talented team....including coaching talent...I'd say the Eagles.
i sure as hell don't agree with the bills being the most talented. 4 passes should have been picked off last week. i don't know if it was the cold or what, but they usually catch those. thats not even counting the one madison tipped to the bills receiver!:rolleyes:
No-one sayed the Bills where overall the most talented- we said they where the most talented OFFENSE
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