My Final Plea to Nick Saban: | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

My Final Plea to Nick Saban:


FinHeaven VIP
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Miami, Florida
If this happened there would be dancing in the streets.

Take Braylon Edwards with the #46 for Edge or Alexander.

Section126 said:
If this happened there would be dancing in the streets.

Take Braylon Edwards with the #46 for Edge or Alexander.

Pretty thin thinking. We don't need a used up RB with a big cap number. You want a good year or 2 instead of building a good team. You sure you're not Dave Wannestedt?

Plus, Nick's busy right now, so he can't hear you (thank God).
WHy would we do that. Those guys are gonna cost and arm and a leg, and we are gonna have to pay them major dollars. I used to be on the edge bandwagine but not anymore. I say we take Brown if we sit still at 2. He is faster than those guys and can do it all -- block, run and catch. I think he can be something special. Why pay the same money for a "used" car when we can buy new.
Section126 said:
If this happened there would be dancing in the streets.

Take Braylon Edwards with the #46 for Edge or Alexander.


Dude make up your mind. You are all over the friggin place. You've posted about 50 different scenarios.:mad:
This would put us in the PLAYOFFS this year......WITH A SHOT at advancing........I GUARANTEE IT.
Cheapshotz said:
Dude make up your mind. You are all over the friggin place. You've posted about 50 different scenarios.:mad:

I posted the dream scenario...this is what I have been saying for months now......check the threads.
Saban told reporters in March that "although he doesn't allow media access, [he] will check the FinHeaven fan board immediately before the first selection."
seriously people, please stop the threads about the Edge or Alexander....
We don't have the CAP space to sign one of these guys, they cost too much, and why would you do that when we can get a young stud RB in the draft?
Section126 said:
If this happened there would be dancing in the streets.

Take Braylon Edwards with the #46 for Edge or Alexander.


i agree with you on the edwards but i think i would trade with the bills give them our 2nd for travis henery and a 6th round pick

with the 2nd pick in the 2005 draft the MIAMI DOLPHINS SELECT BRYLAN EDWARDS WR MICHIGAN:evil:
go_fins said:
seriously people, please stop the threads about the Edge or Alexander....
We don't have the CAP space to sign one of these guys, they cost too much, and why would you do that when we can get a young stud RB in the draft?

Section126 said:
If this happened there would be dancing in the streets.

Take Braylon Edwards with the #46 for Edge or Alexander.


I hadnt thought about that combo. I like the thought of that!
infiltrateib said:
Saban told reporters in March that "although he doesn't allow media access, [he] will check the FinHeaven fan board immediately before the first selection."

No, he said he'd call me first!!:roflmao:
dolphan north said:
Pretty thin thinking. We don't need a used up RB with a big cap number.


What the hell has gotte into you 126? You seem to be blown about by the fleeting breeze.
Section how many times are you going to post this Edge and Alexander thread?

It is getting really old really fast!:fire:
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