My Final Plea to Nick Saban: | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

My Final Plea to Nick Saban:

Section126 said:
If this happened there would be dancing in the streets.

Take Braylon Edwards with the #46 for Edge or Alexander.

I could live with B Edwards at the #2 pick,, that is if Saban cannot find any value to trade down..
But giving up a 2nd rounder for another used r-b,,, NO FREAKING WAY!

Section126 said:
This would put us in the PLAYOFFS this year......WITH A SHOT at advancing........I GUARANTEE IT.

I do too (even if we could afford it under the cap). So 2 more years of limping into the playoffs (maybe) and getting beat out in the wildcard round, or blown away in the second round. Then your guys leave and we rebuild. So why not rebuild now and have a realistic shot at something bigger in a couple of years? What do you have against a superbowl?
Marino1983 said:
I could live with B Edwards at the #2 pick,, that is if Saban cannot find any value to trade down..
But giving up a 2nd rounder for another used r-b,,, NO FREAKING WAY!


Agreed Danny boy.............
I must be having deja-vu.I could have sworn I saw this thread yesterday.
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