My Man Marino ....but can he be a jerk? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

My Man Marino ....but can he be a jerk?

Mr. Vuckovich

Practice Squad
Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
Ocala, Florida

In my biased opinion.....

Dan Marino is the best Quarterback to ever play the game of Football.

Dan Marino is the best pure passer the game has ever seen.

Dan Marino has the best release of any man to ever throw a Football.

Dan Marino has God given abilities that very few of us have or will ever see again, certainly not in my lifetime. Marino`s feet, hand and eye coordination is a phenomenon and can only be compared to the elite fighter pilots of the armed forces. Marino`s size, his vision, his commanding presence, his take charge "whatever it takes" attitude, his common sense intelligence and unique instincts is what made Dan Marino the best ever. Not to mention Dan Marino`s durability, the best of any QB I ever saw.

From what I understand and from a number of valid sources, in 1984 - Dan Marino and Mark Clayton had one route that was unstoppable. A down & out I believe. Clayton would even tell the DB the play on the line of scrimmage. If you recall the 1985 Chicago Bear game. Marino-Clayton`s down & out could not be stopped by the Bear`s defense. Marino, to his credit won that game on his arm alone.

From my research, Marino`s Dad nor Jackie Sherrill had a role in Dan`s throwing mechanics. Marino was never taught how to throw, if anyone coached him, it was his Father. I remember watching Steve Spurrier in practice at the University of Florida. Spurrier would teach each QB how to throw, Spurrier would scream at his QBs, "keep the ball ****ed up by the ear!" Now, you got Marino who literally holds the ball down by his right hip and before you realize it - BAM, the ball is in the air. Steve Spurrier, the so called QB coach of College Football cannot even begin to understand Dan Marino`s mechanics.

Back in 1983 when I was a Sophomore in High School in north Florida. Three words - 1980`s, Dan Marino and Miami Vice. Today, looking back I did not realize what a spectacle it was watching Dan Marino throw a Football. Looking back and watching Marino throw a Football is Picasso to painting, Beethoven to music and Marlon Brando to acting. I`ve never seen Dan Marino personally, only on television.

Today I am 40 years old and recently had a dream that I ran into Dan Marino and asked him to show me his God given athletic ability or his "mechanics". He not only showed me, we passed the ball for about 20 minutes. This was only a dream.

Growing up in North Florida I have never met Dan Marino but heard rumers of his behavior regarding situations with his fans. One story a friend told me back in the 80`s when Dan purchased his first home, a pool company was contracted by the Marino`s for repair. Two young boys working on his pool, big fans obviously, had two Footballs and knocked on Dan`s door. Both boys asked Clair, Marino`s wife if Dan could sign the balls. Clair took the balls and closed the door. One hour later Dan ran out to the pool area screaming expletives at the youngsters then hurling both balls at both of the boys. This is an old story told by a friend of mine that knew the pool company`s owner.

With this story told, I can`t help to wonder how Dan`s "at times" angry behavior affected his team`s chances at winning a championship. I remember seeing Dan (on TV) alone on the sidelines. From what I understand Dan did not associate much with his teamates.

There is no question that Dan Marino`s generosity to the local Miami and Ft. Lauderdale community is the stuff of legends. His commitment to helping the local community is what more athletes should be doing today.

I am a successful person and some might consider me famous. Often times people will stop me with questions about my life and how I got where I am today. To most folks surprise, my answer is always the same, "I wish I could throw like Dan Marino".

This is my personal tribute to a man, other than my Dad, a man I have always admired - Dan Marino.
Very nice tribute and welcome to FinHeaven

According to O.J. McDuffie many of the times when people saw Marino yelling he was actually yelling at himself for making the improper reads or throw. Yes there was time when he did yell at others but that was because he wanted to win.
If Dan didn't associated with his teammates it might be because he had a wife and kids that he wanted to spend more time with.
The play that Dan and Mark C ran that was pretty much unstoppable was the fade stop. It was the same play Dan ran with another Mark on the famous "Clock Play" against the Jets.
I have met him three times..he has always come off cold to me.

As for his teammates...I am sure he socialized plenty...

I saw him once at Solid Gold with Marco Coleman and Brian Cox. he then used to frequent strip clubs with OJ McDuffie and Troy Drayton.
Growing up in North Florida I have never met Dan Marino but heard rumers of his behavior regarding situations with his fans. One story a friend told me back in the 80`s when Dan purchased his first home, a pool company was contracted by the Marino`s for repair. Two young boys working on his pool, big fans obviously, had two Footballs and knocked on Dan`s door. Both boys asked Clair, Marino`s wife if Dan could sign the balls. Clair took the balls and closed the door. One hour later Dan ran out to the pool area screaming explicitives at the youngsters then hurling both balls at both of the boys. This is an old story told by a friend of mine that knew the pool company`s owner.
Sorry. I don't buy this story for a second.

It's not that Dan Marino would have been incapable of such behavior; as a human being, he was certainly capable of it. But had this actually happened there is no way that it would not have been reported.

Rumors are rumors. How about some proof?
Sorry. I don't buy this story for a second.

It's not that Dan Marino would have been incapable of such behavior; as a human being, he was certainly capable of it. But had this actually happened there is no way that it would not have been reported.

Rumors are rumors. How about some proof?

FinFaninMs, I have no proof that this happened. A friend relayed the story to me. I certainly understand the hassles of being famous so I am not judging Dan for his actions. For all I know, Dan or any person in his shoes would have done the exact same thing. Hearsay such as this does not affect the way I feel about the best Quarterback to ever live and agruable the best off the field athlete pro sports has ever seen.
Dan is a great guy, I caught passes from him on the field at Joe Robbie when we we're working on Ace Ventura :lol: He must have signed thousands of footballs from the crew during that show and he never once complained. He wasn't the most personable of people I have ever met but he was the most legendary!

Long live the legacy of Dan Marino!
FinFaninMs, I have no proof that this happened. A friend relayed the story to me.
I know. What I meant was that you are already accepting a second-hand rumor as truth, even though it it seems improbable at best. Why would Marino tell off the kids and throw the balls at them for no reason? Because he hates kids?

And if Marino is such a surly guy, then why aren't there any documented stories (not rumors, not gossip, not my best friend's cousin whose uncle cuts Dan Marino's lawn says so and so) of him being a jerk?
I have family that have had good and bad encounters with Dan. One family member on my wife's side) was at a Convention years ago where Dan was signing autographs. When his time to sign autographs was up and he was asked to continue signing he got upset and was signing "Mickey Mouse", etc.
The other family members (on my side) are actually family friends of Dan and Claire and they have had extensive business dealings with him. They think he's great. They even asked him to autograph a Dolphins hat for a Christmas present for me a few years ago which he gladly did.
Like most of us, he was probably immature in his younger years and has matured in his later years. From all recent accounts, he is a gentleman. Aeg has a way of tempering you.
Nothing really surprises me. And I wouldn't be totally surprised if this is true. Dan Marino is incredibly arrogant (always has been), hot tempered, etc. He was always my idol growing up. I played QB and developed some the same mechanics as Marino just from watching him. But idolizing him on the football field as a player doesn't make me overlook how a man is capable of acting off of it.

I've met quite a few professional football players (and other professional athletes and have even competed against them). The majority have been jerks to people in general. It seems to be an attribute that you develop with fame, fortune, popularity, and AGGRAVATION.

I told a story on here once about an experience I had with Jim Kelly. Some of you may remember it. I won't re-hash it right now because I really don't feel like typing it. But what it boils down to is how hateful Kelly was to a kid who was about 8 years old. It was the most disgusting display I have ever seen. This is one of the reasons why I don't doubt anyone's stories about athletes. I have heard stories about Marino as well. Not like the one with Kelly, but stories that included displays of why Marino may be considered a major jerk.
Yeah he did yell at his team mates...but what the camera on tv didn't show was that his team mates yelled it was all good. I saw the yelling as being very competitive and expecting only the best from his team mates... I think he made people around him play better because of it.
However I have heard of him being "cold" at times from others.....but heck I don't think I'd be the most likeable guy 24/7 either?
I think a lot of athletes and other stars get upset when people they have engaged for services at home approach them for things like autographs. I know I heard a similar story about pitcher Kevin Brown expressing hostility to somebody sent out to his house to do something.

I don't doubt the basic facts of the story, but I'm guessing there was probably more to it than what has gotten around. Maybe the kids didn't wait an hour -- perhaps they were out there five minutes and got impatient so they pounded on the door and that set Dan off. I wouldn't exactly call it justified, but I can see how it could happen.
I had the opportunity to meet Dan Marino one time. I wouldn't say he was a jerk, but he definately wasn't very friendly, and didn't want to be bothered. I tried for an autograph, but was denied. I then asked for a handshake and congratulated him on the Hall of Fame (it was about 2 weeks before the induction) He turned, thanked me and gave a fake smile along with a handshake.

In my biased opinion.....

Dan Marino is the best Quarterback to ever play the game of Football.

Dan Marino is the best pure passer the game has ever seen.

Dan Marino has the best release of any man to ever throw a Football.

Dan Marino has God given abilities that very few of us have or will ever see again, certainly not in my lifetime. Marino`s feet, hand and eye coordination is a phenomenon and can only be compared to the elite fighter pilots of the armed forces. Marino`s size, his vision, his commanding presence, his take charge "whatever it takes" attitude, his common sense intelligence and unique instincts is what made Dan Marino the best ever. Not to mention Dan Marino`s durability, the best of any QB I ever saw.

From what I understand and from a number of valid sources, in 1984 - Dan Marino and Mark Clayton had one route that was unstoppable. A down & out I believe. Clayton would even tell the DB the play on the line of scrimmage. If you recall the 1985 Chicago Bear game. Marino-Clayton`s down & out could not be stopped by the Bear`s defense. Marino, to his credit won that game on his arm alone.

From my research, Marino`s Dad nor Jackie Sherrill had a role in Dan`s throwing mechanics. Marino was never taught how to throw, if anyone coached him, it was his Father. I remember watching Steve Spurrier in practice at the University of Florida. Spurrier would teach each QB how to throw, Spurrier would scream at his QBs, "keep the ball ****ed up by the ear!" Now, you got Marino who literally holds the ball down by his right hip and before you realize it - BAM, the ball is in the air. Steve Spurrier, the so called QB coach of College Football cannot even begin to understand Dan Marino`s mechanics.

Back in 1983 when I was a Sophomore in High School in north Florida. Three words - 1980`s, Dan Marino and Miami Vice. Today, looking back I did not realize what a spectacle it was watching Dan Marino throw a Football. Looking back and watching Marino throw a Football is Picasso to painting, Beethoven to music and Marlon Brando to acting. I`ve never seen Dan Marino personally, only on television.

Today I am 40 years old and recently had a dream that I ran into Dan Marino and asked him to show me his God given athletic ability or his "mechanics". He not only showed me, we passed the ball for about 20 minutes. This was only a dream.

Growing up in North Florida I have never met Dan Marino but heard rumers of his behavior regarding situations with his fans. One story a friend told me back in the 80`s when Dan purchased his first home, a pool company was contracted by the Marino`s for repair. Two young boys working on his pool, big fans obviously, had two Footballs and knocked on Dan`s door. Both boys asked Clair, Marino`s wife if Dan could sign the balls. Clair took the balls and closed the door. One hour later Dan ran out to the pool area screaming explicitives at the youngsters then hurling both balls at both of the boys. This is an old story told by a friend of mine that knew the pool company`s owner.

With this story told, I can`t help to wonder how Dan`s "at times" angry behavior affected his team`s chances at winning a championship. I remember seeing Dan (on TV) alone on the sidelines. From what I understand Dan did not associate much with his teamates.

There is no question that Dan Marino`s generosity to the local Miami and Ft. Lauderdale community is the stuff of legends. His commitment to helping the local community is what more athletes should be doing today.

I am a successful person and some might consider me famous. Often times people will stop me with questions about my life and how I got where I am today. To most folks surprise, my answer is always the same, "I wish I could throw like Dan Marino".

This is my personal tribute to a man I have always admired - Dan Marino.

Welcome to finheaven. Great first post
Nothing really surprises me. And I wouldn't be totally surprised if this is true. Dan Marino is incredibly arrogant (always has been), hot tempered, etc. He was always my idol growing up. I played QB and developed some the same mechanics as Marino just from watching him. But idolizing him on the football field as a player doesn't make me overlook how a man is capable of acting off of it.

I've met quite a few professional football players (and other professional athletes and have even competed against them). The majority have been jerks to people in general. It seems to be an attribute that you develop with fame, fortune, popularity, and AGGRAVATION.

I told a story on here once about an experience I had with Jim Kelly. Some of you may remember it. I won't re-hash it right now because I really don't feel like typing it. But what it boils down to is how hateful Kelly was to a kid who was about 8 years old. It was the most disgusting display I have ever seen. This is one of the reasons why I don't doubt anyone's stories about athletes. I have heard stories about Marino as well. Not like the one with Kelly, but stories that included displays of why Marino may be considered a major jerk.
I never read the story about your experience with Jim Kelly?.... I wouldnt mind reading it....give me another reason to hate the bills!
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