My problem with Jay | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

My problem with Jay


Club Member
Oct 24, 2001
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
is that if this team falls behind I just don't have faith in him to bring us back.I know he's done it before against other teams like the Raiders and Bills but I just am really uneasy when we have to pass because we've fallen behind. I think that this is the effect of being spoiled for 15 years of vintage Dan. When we fell behind with Dan I never gave up because he was money in so many close games. Jay is a good enough QB if our gameplan works and everything is going well but if we don't execute early in the game it seems to be when Jay starts throwing multiple int's.

This is why some Phin fans will never be satisfied with Jay because he's not Marino or Elway or Favre. This really isn't an insult but after having excellent QB play for almost 20 years I don't think a lot of Fin fans will be happy until we have that next great QB.
The problem is having a QB like Favre, Elway and Marino only come once in a blue moon. Fiedler is our QB and will be for a while. We did not lose this game because of him. He may have made it more difficult for us to come back and win, but i think the offense played good scoring 30 points. 30 points every week for 16 weeks and you would easily end up 14-2 or 13-3.
The D is who is to blame for this loss but when we got the ball back at 38-30 we have to take advantage of that. We can't throw a pick there. Even when we were down 41-30 we have to get points on that drive. Hey if we're ahead or in a close game I don't have a problem with Jay but when we start to fall behind we need him to make more plays.

We're stilll a team that can't afford to fall behind because Jay has a tendency to throw picks. I don't think Jay should be benched or anything I just wish he could cut down on the picks especially on a crap secondary like the Chiefs are supposed to have.
I must say that I always have a fear of leaving the game in Fiedlers hands, he cannot take over a game. Sure he has had a few above avergae games in his stint with us, however on a consistent basis he will fail every time. I remember Jay saying all he needed was some receivers so we went and got Chambers , Mcknight, Ward along with OG. Then we even got some balance on O by adding the Rickster. So the whole game isnt Jay;s fault but where the hell was he at today, that pass to Mcmichaels was just plain silly, he had Edwards on the swing pass on other side of field wide open. Also what about underthrowing, overthrowing, and throwing jump balls to Chambers. FIEDLER is and will always be at best AVERAGE!!!!!!!!!!, he has been hidden last three weeks because of the RICKSTER and all those underneath plays Norv throws in. Ray to SAVE THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think you switch qb's after a 3-1 start and 131 pts scored in 4 games. I think Jay is average to above average(not saying much considering the qb's in the league)but we needed him to pull this 1 out today and he just didn't do it.
Some of you are obviously ignoring a couple of key facts: 1) this was one game and EVERYONE (not just football players) can have an off-day. Most of us happen to be human beings and from time to time will make mistakes. 2) Fiedler was one of the highest rated quarterbacks going into the game, so even if it's early in the season he was clearly doing some things well. 3) Under his leadership, the offense scored 30 points and that ain't chump change. 4) A lot of us are spoiled by Dan Marino. Let me state this as plainly as possible: Jay Fiedler is not Dan Marino. Only Dan Marino is Dan Marino. Jay Fiedler is Jay Fiedler. Let's correct what needs correction and move to the next game, please.
As Zach put it...

How much did the turnovers hurt your club today?
Thomas: “You can’t fault our offense today. They really did their job. We scored enough points to where we should have won. It’s all on us and we need to get better on defense. You’ve got to give credit to them (Chiefs). They’ve done it (on offense) during the first three weeks. I thought that we’d be ok coming into the game but they really did a great job today. I didn’t expect their passing game to be that good.â€Â

not so fast....................

MIAMIAN: it isn't just one game. thats the point. jay has been doing these same things for 3 years. he is what he is and thats all there is.

we get better wr's, a good run game, a new coordinator and the only one who hasn't picked up the production is jay.

like it or not he tried to give the detroit game away, the detroit defenders just couldn't hang on to the ball. still awfull throws and bad decisions by jay, not just in this game, but over and over and over, etc.........
All QB's play bad games...

... even your demy God Marino did as well. Relax enjoy the ride, my God why even watch the Dolphins they are so horrid, right?


Originally posted by clayton83
MIAMIAN: it isn't just one game. thats the point. jay has been doing these same things for 3 years. he is what he is and thats all there is.

we get better wr's, a good run game, a new coordinator and the only one who hasn't picked up the production is jay.

like it or not he tried to give the detroit game away, the detroit defenders just couldn't hang on to the ball. still awfull throws and bad decisions by jay, not just in this game, but over and over and over, etc.........
Originally posted by dolfan25
The D is who is to blame for this loss but when we got the ball back at 38-30 we have to take advantage of that.

What we should have done by that point was ram the ball down their throats with Ricky and not pin it all on Jay's ears (although they are mighty big to pin them on :rolleyes: ).

Had we done that we might have been back in that game. However I think we were done and over with from the point we were down 24-10 in the 2nd with 10 minutes to go.
I expected the Fiedler bashers to be out in full force today. I'll describe his picks today with one word: intangibles. You'll look at the stats and say, wow, 4 INTs. It is true, but once again, bobbled passes and tipped passes were to blame for atleast 2 of those. I couldn't watch most of the second half cuz I had to work, but the one I saw, off of Chamber's finger tips, was tipped. As was the one to McMichael. I'm just wondering why we weren't running, Ricky started getting, 7-10 yards a pop near the end of the half......
Originally posted by dolfan25
I don't think you switch qb's after a 3-1 start and 131 pts scored in 4 games. I think Jay is average to above average(not saying much considering the qb's in the league)but we needed him to pull this 1 out today and he just didn't do it.
there is nothing wrong with jays ability. when they decided to go with the pass, jay tries to make something happen every play. in the first half, he ate some balls rather than throw into double coverage. in the second have, he not only threw into double coverage, he threw to a spot where there wasn't a receiver. they need to stick with what they know best, RUN THE DAMN BALL!;)
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