New Fin Saftey... Billy Parker | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

New Fin Saftey... Billy Parker


"The Sticker Dunk"
Apr 14, 2005
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OK... I know we signed him a few days ago and that this isnt breakin news or anything. But what do you guys know about him? Is he a FS or a SS? He sounds like he has good hands wit 10 ints in the Arena League (even though it is alot easier to get a int in the AFL). Do you think he can push for a starting spot or no? Anyone have a bio or some info like size and speed? I am pretty sure he is young... Your thoughts?

i wouldn´t put my hopes up because we signed a S out of the AFL, i would be truly shocked if this guy would have any impact

marcus nash is the leading receiver and michael bishop is the leading rusher in this league :lol:
SECfootball said:
I'm not sure about AFL INTs. The top tier AFL QBs usually throw for 50+ TDs and single digit INTs, I think, if that means anything.

Edit :
Well it's nice to know that we signed the Defensive Player with the most Interceptions. :lol: But does anyone know much about this guy or how he plays? Does anyone think that there's any chance of him making Practice Squad or just camp fodder to add more competition to the Safeties?
the other thing to think about here is size of the field, the arena league has a ver small field and not wide at all, hes gunna have to adapt to spread the field and quick away from the short quick game, i guess that might not be to hard but idk
Worst case is that he's camp fodder, best case is that he is this year's Oronde Gadsden. Remember OG? He starred in the AFL and came to us and made a impact at what was then a thin position. We are a bit thin at DB in general and S in particular. He understands the speed of the pro game, is young, and has good size. He played well in college though at a D-IAA school. He will also be competing against one of Saban's guys, Jack Hunt who played in NFLE, for what will likely be the last roster spot in the defensive backfield.
FinNasty23 said:
OK... I know we signed him a few days ago and that this isnt breakin news or anything. But what do you guys know about him? Is he a FS or a SS? He sounds like he has good hands wit 10 ints in the Arena League (even though it is alot easier to get a int in the AFL). Do you think he can push for a starting spot or no? Anyone have a bio or some info like size and speed? I am pretty sure he is young... Your thoughts?


I know taht he got cut from the Cleveland Browns in 04. That's not a motivating factor.
FinNasty23 said:
OK... I know we signed him a few days ago and that this isnt breakin news or anything. But what do you guys know about him? Is he a FS or a SS? He sounds like he has good hands wit 10 ints in the Arena League (even though it is alot easier to get a int in the AFL). Do you think he can push for a starting spot or no? Anyone have a bio or some info like size and speed? I am pretty sure he is young... Your thoughts?


He was also 7th in tackles with we can do is to wait and see what happens.....never can tell, especially with a new sheriff in town !!!
According to a close friend of mine...

who went to William&Mary where Parker went to school...

Parker has some legitimate skills...whether that transfers into a roster spot I don't know...but we do need a saety.
I know taht he got cut from the Cleveland Browns in 04. That's not a motivating factor.

On one hand they were a poor team so being cut from them is hardly encouraging, yet given how bad their coaching staff was perhaps they missed a diamond in the rough??? I mean Wanny cut some decent players who have gone to other teams and played well, Brian Griese comes to mind.
Ohiophinphan said:
On one hand they were a poor team so being cut from them is hardly encouraging, yet given how bad their coaching staff was perhaps they missed a diamond in the rough??? I mean Wanny cut some decent players who have gone to other teams and played well, Brian Griese comes to mind.

Ill ride with that optimism and hope he is our "diamond in the rough"
He has an outside shot of making the team but he could show up on the practice squad
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