No Excuses Just Pathetic!!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

No Excuses Just Pathetic!!!

Dead Fish Stink

Practice Squad
Jan 9, 2002
Reaction score
Over Here
Can't even sell out a home PLAYOFF GAME!
No excuse,IT'S SUNNY HERE!!I'd rather watch a game in sunny 75 degree weather than 28 below like the sellout packer fan's!

It's time to admit do not really need three NFL teams!
Ummm...Hello...Like everyone else has said..Most of the fans here aren't even in FL..So your not hurting anyone's feelings...We will be watching it on TV on Sun...If your not interested then turn the channel on the tube :p
IT's winter time a the snowbird's are running amuck and what do you mean most of the fan's arent from here!I dont live in the burgh anymore but I'll make a playoff game and make at least one game per season so really again no excuse's!

Originally posted by Dead Fish Stink
IT's winter time a the snowbird's are running amuck and what do you mean most of the fan's arent from here!I dont live in the burgh anymore but I'll make a playoff game and make at least one game per season

Good for you. You want a cookie now? Maybe somebody to cut your steak?!?
Hey I got a great idea

Originally posted by Dead Fish Stink
I dont live in the burgh anymore but I'll make a playoff game and make at least one game per season so really again no excuse's!

Hey next time you go up for that playoff game, why not make it a one way trip!:evil: Go home!:fire:
EXHALE HEINZE 57,your brain need's alittle fresh air.
I cant wait for you guy's to get done playing around so the real playoff team's can play!!!
Wow, the Dolphins must suck. Their stadium didn't sell out. So I guess that means that Zach Thomas won't hit just as hard, and Jason Taylor won't rush the passer as well. I mean after all, the stadium didn't sell out in time for the blackout...and that has everything to do with the team, right?

Why are you talking about this stuff, when you actually have a team that is seeded number one in the AFC? Talk football here bro...or can you?
I'm just messin around good luck to both team's and I hope both team's come out healthy.Again good luck to the raven fan's and the Dolphin fan's.
It's playoff time and tommorrow it all start's again good luck to all of you!!
Are there any butterfly's out there!!
Originally posted by Dead Fish Stink
It's time to admit do not really need three NFL teams!

Did we ask for the Jags? I don't remember asking for the Jags to come to Florida. I've been watching Dolphins ball and Bucs ball since 1976. I didn't want CBS to come in and cram the Jags down my throat every other Sunday, so I had to watch my Dolphins at a sports bar. The Bucs are ALWAYS on FOX, but CBS likes to alternate between the Dolphins and the Jags. HEY CBS.........SCREW the JAGS! :evil:
whats this?

Originally posted by Dead Fish Stink
IT's winter time a the snowbird's are running amuck and what do you mean most of the fan's arent from here!I dont live in the burgh anymore but I'll make a playoff game and make at least one game per season so really again no excuse's!


and i'm gonna fly out to miami everytime the fins are in the playoffs, thats a 6000 mi round trip, you idiot. besides, sitting in the comfort of your own home and getting instant replay on tv ain't that bad!;)
Since I live in Ohio, I was going to take a TV to my local high school stadium, set it in the row in front of me and angle it up. Have them turn on the loudspeakers to broadcast the game, and pretend I was in Miami... :rolleyes:

What kind of moron thinks that the fact that we didn't seel out a game before the blackout deadline we can't win the game... WHO CARES!!! GET A LIFE AND LET'S TALK SOME FOOTBALL
Re: Re: No Excuses Just Pathetic!!!

Originally posted by miadphan13

Did we ask for the Jags? I don't remember asking for the Jags to come to Florida. I've been watching Dolphins ball and Bucs ball since 1976. I didn't want CBS to come in and cram the Jags down my throat every other Sunday, so I had to watch my Dolphins at a sports bar. The Bucs are ALWAYS on FOX, but CBS likes to alternate between the Dolphins and the Jags. HEY CBS.........SCREW the JAGS! :evil:

Yeah Yeah I move to contract the Jaguars.... And a few other teams..
dolfano6 you can afford your toy's like you mentioned on another thread,this is what I like to do is experiance it LIVE, and not sit there with my leg's crossed in my docker's short's sipping wine!


Get off your middle aged fat butt and go cheer on your team!!!!
What in the daggon world are you talking about?? You wanna know what stinks? Your lame steelers stink. "Hey look we got the #1 seed in the AFC after beating all under 500 teams!" Come on, get a life, shutup, and leave.
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