Official 2009-2010 NHL Thread | Page 16 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Official 2009-2010 NHL Thread

i know i was drunk last night, but did i really see that the leafs won against the red wings ? that was a turning point in my evening, as i was wondering how drunk i was, i had the feeling i was pretty plowed when i saw the leafs beat the wings lolll but if i'm right it really happened... good for the leafs, they ****ing need something to cheer about lately (much like the habs :( )
it's on like donkey kong cedar... wanna bet ? let's go with the spread because there's not a lot of chances of the habs winning it lol ... flames have to beat habs by 1 goal or more for you to win ... ! you in ? :D
Pens suffer 3 L's in a row, & DAMMIT! We better not have lost Orpik too!
This is really getting rediculous ...|PIT|home
With six regulars out of the lineup, Pittsburgh is missing one-third of its 18 skaters, and with Gonchar, Letang and Orpik going down, the Penguins are missing half of their defensive unit.

Player, Injury (Date), Time Frame, Current Progress
Maxime Talbot, torn labrum (July 7), 4 to 6 months, practicing (cleared for contact)
Sergei Gonchar, broken left wrist (Oct. 20), 4 to 6 weeks, practicing (no contact)
Evgeni Malkin, shoulder strain (Oct. 29), 2 weeks, practicing (cleared for contact)
Tyler Kennedy, undisclosed (Nov. 5), day-to-day, no ice participation
Kris Letang, shoulder contusion (Nov. 7), 2 weeks, no ice participation
Brooks Orpik, lower-body (Nov. 10), 2 weeks, no ice participation


WhooHoo ... Jersey tonight ... :ponder: we're in trouble. :(
Pens win! Pens win! Pens win!

What a game! Nail-biting, back and forth ... Defeat Boston 6-5 OT. Billy G scores with 0:00.04 in the third - then Dupois scores his 100th career goal for the game winner in OT!

. and Malkin's back! Now, that's, how you break a four game losing streak!
if you guys have some time to kill, go watch carey price's game against the hurricanes ...

our team is playing like **** now, and price has won a handful of games by himself... his effort during the OT PK was awesome, but the 6 saves in the shootouts just blew my ****ing mind
Pens vs. Sens tonight ... McKee joins the injury list ... But:

Gonchar is back!
Talbot is back!

... & I'll get to see the first period before the Dolphins game.

Let's go PENS!
woohoo! leafs win over the caps in a shootout!

stanley cup... here we come!
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