Please please PLEASE, football gods, grant me this one selfish football wish. If we don't win another game all season, please let us best the Cowboys. I've heard all week long, from Dallas "fans" and media, about how the Cowboys are a superbowl favorite team, that that 3-0 is a given. Meanwhile, most of these fans can't name more than 2 starters for the team, while the rest of the fans still think Romo is the starting QB. I have endured an entire week of blatant football idiocracy from this Dallas fan base, and the talking heads on the "sports" talk radio aren't any better.
I know "1 in a million chance to win" is wishful thinking, and a win might be counter productive to what the Dolphins are doing in the future, but please grant me this one wish. Please, football gods.
In Snowflake's name,