Official UFC/MMA Thread..Spoiler Alert.. | Page 19 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Official UFC/MMA Thread..Spoiler Alert..

saw this coming. he needs to box not mma. i hate that his knees are bad and have a big target on them. he will find work tho

Rumor has it that hes going to fight Herschel Walker
Rumor has it that hes going to fight Herschel Walker
herschel well beat him just bc he will make the fight be on the ground. kimbo doesnt know what to do on the ground. its like he is scared to punch while on the ground or something. if its stand up anything could happed bc kimbo's heavy hands. but more than likely everyone will just target his knee and it would be over with. kimbo please just box.
LET'S Go Brett "Grim" Rogers!!! Knock out that fool tonight
Great Rogers Losed That Dude Overeem Is JUICED. Wonder if he trains with Jose Canseco
cant believe rampage got beat. but what can you expect from i guy who has had a year off. reshad played the game and was technical. hopefully this motivates rampage to become the old rampage. and i cant believe duffee got knocked out. lets go rampage bounce back man!!!!
Another fight with so much hype that was disappointing. I'm glad Diego Sanchez got his **** rocked again though
Another fight with so much hype that was disappointing. I'm glad Diego Sanchez got his **** rocked again though

im glad diego got his a$$ kicked too. the fight was dissapointing, but think rampage hasnt fought in over a year and still almost beat a reshad evans in the best shape he has ever been in.
Rampage won't be competitive at LHW - at the 1st or 2nd tier - until he gets with a real camp.

Evans has almost no shot against Shogun - unless Shogun gets injured before the fight.
anyone see fedor get caught on saturday? verdun is good but damn - sure put a damper on his 'best ever' status. i hope this will encourage him to come to the UFC and drop his retard handlers.
anyone see fedor get caught on saturday? verdun is good but damn - sure put a damper on his 'best ever' status. i hope this will encourage him to come to the UFC and drop his retard handlers.

He made a stupid mistake. I have a few issues with calling Fedor the best fighter to date:

1. The Heavyweight division isn't as good as the LHW and the MW divisions. Compare the skill sets of Shogun, Machida, and A. Silva to those of Fedor, Lesnar, and S. Carwin. I'd argue that - despite the vast weight difference (with Lesnar and Carwin) - Shogun would have an excellent chance at beating any of the top-3 HW fighters. This is highlighted by R. Couture's success in the HW division (speaking of his most recent holding of the belt), when it's clear that he wouldn't have a good shot at any of the top LHW fighters.
2. It's not clear that Fedor would beat either Lesnar or Carwin. Would like to see him fight the winner of that fight.
3. Fedor could easily get down to LHW, and I don't think he'd beat Shogun, and it seems 50/50 (at best) that he'd beat Machida.

That said, Fedor's resume is impeccable, and one mistake doesn't trash that. If Fedor removed his head from his *** and fought some key fights, he could easily regain - in my eyes - the status of best fighter of all time.
He made a stupid mistake. I have a few issues with calling Fedor the best fighter to date:

1. The Heavyweight division isn't as good as the LHW and the MW divisions. Compare the skill sets of Shogun, Machida, and A. Silva to those of Fedor, Lesnar, and S. Carwin. I'd argue that - despite the vast weight difference (with Lesnar and Carwin) - Shogun would have an excellent chance at beating any of the top-3 HW fighters. This is highlighted by R. Couture's success in the HW division (speaking of his most recent holding of the belt), when it's clear that he wouldn't have a good shot at any of the top LHW fighters.
2. It's not clear that Fedor would beat either Lesnar or Carwin. Would like to see him fight the winner of that fight.
3. Fedor could easily get down to LHW, and I don't think he'd beat Shogun, and it seems 50/50 (at best) that he'd beat Machida.

That said, Fedor's resume is impeccable, and one mistake doesn't trash that. If Fedor removed his head from his *** and fought some key fights, he could easily regain - in my eyes - the status of best fighter of all time.

yeah i agree with pretty much all that. its funny how now that shogun is healthy he is considered 'elite' again when like a year ago he was unanimously considered washed up.

1. LHW is the deepest and has been for some time. i can't really call the MW division crazy deep b/c of silva's dominance over the last few years. the HW division can only be considered deep recently - with the coming of lesnar, carwin, and velazquez - where couture would be murdered by all those guys - so that comparison is just a bit precarious - but i get what you're saying.

2. not even close to clear. that's why he has to come to the UFC to preserve his legacy - this loss should only encourage that. the 'myth' has been debunked.

3. i think he'd use shogun and machida - but after watching him get caught so quick and reckless like he did - thats another one thats up for debate. i mean verdum? ergh.

everyone gets caught so yeah its not the end of the world. but in my eyes he has no choice but to come play with the big boys now. its too bad such an elite fighter - and overall great guy - is being handled so poorly by people that don't have his best interest at heart. come on down fedor.
im in shock over the fedor fight. but he was going to get caught sooner or later.
i cant wait until saturday. i hope carwin ko's lesnar. this fight will end ko or tko nomatter who comes out on top. carwin can match lesnar's wrestleing, but lesnar is a freak athlete; he is so quick for how big he is.
look how much bigger carwin's hand his than lesnar's. these two are freaks. (not that it matters how big his hand is)
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