Ogunley C A N N O T be Traded! | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ogunley C A N N O T be Traded!

Yup. Like I said, sign and trade. Its not uncommon at all. In fact as someone mentioned all this Henson trading stuff is going to be a sign and trade.

So in other words. Ogunleye can't be traded...he can't be traded anymore than Drew Henson can. ;)
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I think a lot of the people (including myself) who were talking about trading Ogunleye were operating under the presumtion that I (correctly) was. So while you were getting tired of seeing people talk trade, I was getting tired of people screaming down that it wasn't possible. ;)
Originally posted by ckparrothead

So in other words. Ogunleye can't be trade...he can't be traded anymore than Drew Henson can.

The problem is in the way you state the situation. The players can be traded. In most of the situations mentioned here the player has control of what will happen.

Just saying a player can't be traded is just confusing those who don't know the rules.

It is Henson's decision to sign a contract and be traded or not sign and go into the next draft. That's much different than saying Henson can't be traded.
Exactly. Thats twice now though Cranx you've taken it on yourself to scream to people what they should or should not discuss. Before you got tired of people proposing plans that included Brunell and Rivers/Henson so you started screaming at anyone who included Brunell and a first round QB in their plans just because of reports that Brunell doesn't want to go to a team with a first round QB or QB controversy. Well, with all this Washington talk, one thing is being overlooked...Ramsey is a first round QB, and not only that but presumably he'll be ready to play quicker than a first rounder we draft would be like Rivers or Henson. Gibbs has denied inquiries about Ramsey's availability in trade, he says he won't trade him.

Now you're tired of people talking about trading Ogunleye...and you've taken it upon yourself to remind people "once and for all" that we can't trade Ogunleye...even though the people that discuss trading Ogunleye are for the most part operating under the correct assumptions, and if not, aren't far from reality.
I'm sorry Merman you failed to notice the humor in my post there. Let me edit it and see if you get it now...
Do you see what I meant now Merman? Meant to be humorous, everyone's talking about the Henson sweepstakes and who he will be traded to...and rightly so because its very likely he's going to be traded to a team. Thats why I said Ogunleye "CAN'T" be traded any more than Henson can. See? Meant to be humorous? Oh golly now that I've spelled it out there's nothin funny left about it anymore.
Originally posted by Muck
I think a lot of the people (including myself) who were talking about trading Ogunleye were operating under the presumtion that I (correctly) was. So while you were getting tired of seeing people talk trade, I was getting tired of people screaming down that it wasn't possible. ;)

agree. I was one of the ppl saying trade OGUN. I was wrong but there is a possibility of trading him.
Originally posted by ckparrothead
Exactly. Thats twice now though Cranx you've taken it on yourself to scream to people what they should or should not discuss. Before you got tired of people proposing plans that included Brunell and Rivers/Henson so you started screaming at anyone who included Brunell and a first round QB in their plans just because of reports that Brunell doesn't want to go to a team with a first round QB or QB controversy. Well, with all this Washington talk, one thing is being overlooked...Ramsey is a first round QB, and not only that but presumably he'll be ready to play quicker than a first rounder we draft would be like Rivers or Henson. Gibbs has denied inquiries about Ramsey's availability in trade, he says he won't trade him.

Now you're tired of people talking about trading Ogunleye...and you've taken it upon yourself to remind people "once and for all" that we can't trade Ogunleye...even though the people that discuss trading Ogunleye are for the most part operating under the correct assumptions, and if not, aren't far from reality.

Are you so self righteous that you have to jump into everything I say in order to try to prove me wrong? It might be nice if you had something upon which to base your argument but, the fact of the matter is, you don't. I know, I know, you can't be wrong because you are the almighty, all knowing, all seeing CK ****head but, occasionally, you too make useless points that have absolutely no merits such as the one that you're trying to make on this thread.

Contrary to your assertion, "sign and trade" deals are a rather uncommon thing in the NFL where a player is not designated a franchised player and this is only because it's a requisite function of the "franchise player" system. As a RFA, the only way a player participates in a sign and trade deal is if the team looking to sign the player in question does not believe that the particular player is worth the level which the original team has tendered him, otherwise, they simply have to sign him to an offer sheet and pay the draft pick ransom assuming the original team does not decide to match the offer.

In the Ogunleye situation where there is likely to be more than one suitor for his services and there is no reason to believe that he will not draw at least a first rounder if not a first and third rounder for his services, there is absolutely no incentive whatsoever for the player to give up his ability to chose his destination by signing an offer sheet with the 'Fins. If you think otherwise your dillusional.

Additionally, the entire premise of the opening statement made in this thread is completely and 100% accurate and, therefore, your feeble minded attempts to knock it down are laughable. I clearly said that, unless Ogunleye signs a contract, Miami has no rights to him whatsoever, they only have either the right of first refusal on any contract offers made to him or the right to receive compensation for him if he's signed elsewhere; no more no less.

Finally, the reason this thread was started oh Senor High and Mighty was to debunk the notion that Ogunleye could simply be traded to anyone, at any time; he can't. Miami can no more tell Ogunleye that he has to go to Washington in exchange for Ramsey than they can tell any one of us to do the same. Should he receive no interest in the RFA market then the possibility of a sign and trade deal may increase however, at this present time-- and even into the first couple of weeks of free agency-- there is absolutely no incentive whatsoever for Ogunleye or his agent to agree to such a thing.

Once again, jump off your high horse bro and start walking around here with the rest of us.
Well you're right, he can't be traded at ANY TIME. We have to wait until March 4th before we do it. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by ckparrothead
Well you're right, he can't be traded at ANY TIME. We have to wait until March 4th before we do it. :rolleyes:

Swing and a miss again. You obviously have no idea as to what you're talking about here so why not quit while your only a hundred miles or so behind.

Woot!!!! thanks man, glad the Ogunleye problem is solved, i want him back at least one mor year.
uhh.....I'm not sure what exactly everyone here is thinking.....every 'draft' thread or anything dealing with.....well just about anything from Jacksonville to Houston to Seattle to Washington to......any other team just about that has been mentioned on this site someone starts in on "oh...let's just trade Ogun to get 'whatever' "......I think Cranx's original statement was intended to that effect and why I thanked him for it. I have no complaints against someone talking about trading Ogun (as a 'sign and trade' although it is rare) but to see the same constant "trade Ogun to this team for..." ...."trade Ogun to that team for...."....no wait...."trade Ogun to this team for.....".....

I think the majority of the people posting this either don't fully understand what can or can't happen (which is fine, I sure as hell don't know everything) but a few people continue to post the "trade Ogun to the flavor of the day/hour team" regardless how many times you tell them you can't just send Ogun packing off to Timbuktu just because that team may have something (player/picks) that the phins may want. Then you get others continuing on on the 'yeah let's trade him' routine......

I think that's the point of this thread....not the 'technicalities' of a sign/trade but rather the reality that the Dolphins can't just tell Ogun where he is going because we want something from that team.....so that every little newspaper clipping that comes out across the 50 states we're not sitting around here talking about just "trading Ogun" as if we have total control over what happens to him, because we don't......unfortunately perhaps :)
Originally posted by jbond
Yes, that is different.......this thread I think is relating to some people blatantly thinking that we can just "trade" Ogun to whoever we want to for whatever we want.....which we CAN'T.

Again, we can only send him where he wants to go.......not necessarily where we want him to or to help us foster another deal...

This is an inherently stupid thread.

This thread was created to flame people who support "trading O-gun". Cranx whole argument is based on the ASSUMPTION that when people say "trade O-gun" that they don't know what their talking about, and think we can trade him anywhere, anytime.

Where did you read that someone assumed we could just up and trade him? It's well known that we can trade the RIGHTS to match an offer to another team, as long as he signs a waiver. When I say trade O-gun, I mean just that, broker a trade for his rights to a team that needs them. This is how it would pan out.....

1. We talk to..say Texans about trading for the Rights to O-gun.

2. We talk to O-gun and convince him that it's in his best interest to go there (which it is).

3. He signs waiver

4. We trade him for their first round pick. They won't trade a first and a third and a big contract for him, so they trade their first, and get the right to match any offer. IF someone out bids them, they get a first and a third. If not, they get O-gun for a year cheap to test him out, and can tag him next year if need be.

5. O-gun gets to go to a team that NEEDS him dearly, and will pay a permium for his services. Staying in miami ensures he will get a low salary for a year and HAS to hit the market the following season. In going to houston, he can sign with them if there's a bidding war, or go elsewhere.

6. Miami gets a high draft pick for a guy that's leaving anyway.
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