OH STANKEE Fans../Sox Wins | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

OH STANKEE Fans../Sox Wins

MikeO said:
It's not the biggest meltdown in sports history. The Red Sox were the FAVORITES going into the series!

When you are the New York Yankees, and you are up 3-0 on the Boston Red Sox, a team you have owned in the post season for a looong looong time....

It's the biggest meltdown in sports history....I dont care if they were a favorite, it's not like it was #1 USC playing against Middle Tennessee State here...the teams are evenly matched, Yankees probably more stacked...
TerryTate said:
When you are the New York Yankees, and you are up 3-0 on the Boston Red Sox, a team you have owned in the post season for a looong looong time....

It's the biggest meltdown in sports history....I dont care if they were a favorite, it's not like it was #1 USC playing against Middle Tennessee State here...the teams are evenly matched, Yankees probably more stacked...
So the Yankees were more stacked, had home field advantage.......yet were the underdogs going into the series:confused: Can't have it both ways. You can't be a Favorite going into the series like the Red Sox were then claim the other team had the biggest meltdown in the history of sports. That is like Florida St playing Duke in football, winning on a last second field goal then storming the field to tear down the goal posts!

And the Yanks and Red Sox have only started playing in the Post Season since 1999. So this owning in the post season statement I don't get.

Don't get me wrong, great win by the Sox. They are the better team. But I don't get how the FAVORITES going into the series winning, make this the "biggest meltdown in the history of sports"

The history of sports is a lot to cover. Biggest meltdown in baseball......ok, maybe. But history of sports????!!! :confused: Uh, NO.
SkapePhin said:
The last thing the city of Boston needs is another team in a championship game.. The arrogance eminating from that city will soon ooze out and suffocate the entire Northeartern region of the US mainland..
I would just like to say thank you to those of you who supported a red sox Victory over the Evil Empire. Your praise is as appreciated as it is Surprising and heartfelt.
Jimmy James said:
Of course not. They're fair weather fans just like all the NY sports fans are. Did you see any Jets fans here last year?
Ding ding ding ding ding....You are correct Sir!
I don't know if this the biggest meltdown in sports history but all I can say is that the curse lives until Boston wins the World Series. If their going to win it all, they did a hell of a job in reversing the curse but.....................STILL GOTTA WIN THE WORLD SERIES!!
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
I don't know if this the biggest meltdown in sports history but all I can say is that the curse lives until Boston wins the World Series. If their going to win it all, they did a hell of a job in reversing the curse but.....................STILL GOTTA WIN THE WORLD SERIES!!

Absolutely correct sir
and by the way, Yankees fans don't run (at least the one's I know). Boston got the job done, my hats off. But if they lose the World Series their still at square one. And by the way, if you hate the Yankees now, imagine how much your going to hate them with Soriano at 2nd, Beltran in center, and about 2 new starting pitchers and 3 new relievers. I'm not saying this as a bitter Yankee fan, i'm saying this as someone who knows the Boss is in rare form today!!!
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
I don't know if this the biggest meltdown in sports history but all I can say is that the curse lives until Boston wins the World Series. If their going to win it all, they did a hell of a job in reversing the curse but.....................STILL GOTTA WIN THE WORLD SERIES!!
**** the curse, we B*tched the Yankees!!!.....:banana:

We'll worry about the curse next week....Today is SWEEEET laughter and smiles!!!
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
and by the way, Yankees fans don't run (at least the one's I know). Boston got the job done, my hats off. But if they lose the World Series their still at square one. And by the way, if you hate the Yankees now, imagine how much your going to hate them with Soriano at 2nd, Beltran in center, and about 2 new starting pitchers and 3 new relievers. I'm not saying this as a bitter Yankee fan, i'm saying this as someone who knows the Boss is in rare form today!!!
That's right....typical yankees fan...already planning on buying your next title. :shakeno:
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
and by the way, Yankees fans don't run (at least the one's I know). Boston got the job done, my hats off. But if they lose the World Series their still at square one. And by the way, if you hate the Yankees now, imagine how much your going to hate them with Soriano at 2nd, Beltran in center, and about 2 new starting pitchers and 3 new relievers. I'm not saying this as a bitter Yankee fan, i'm saying this as someone who knows the Boss is in rare form today!!!

George can't get his hand on two things he needs to fix this team:

1) Any decent talent in the farm system

2) Our man Theo!

You'll continue to outspend us, but we'll continue to dominate you with a smaller payroll.
George needs to fix his pitching...He never replaced the loss of Pettite and the Rocket...1 great pitcher and a very good one...Ironic, the 2 guys that were supposed to replace them Kevin Brown and Vasquez were responsable for the loss in game 7...
But overall IMO the reason the Yanks lost was the poor job the bullpen did...
When the Yanks were the best team in baseball they had amazing depth and a very good bullpen...Although not a fan, I cringed every time I saw Flash Gordon taking the mound in the 8th...
Remember the days of Mendoza, Stanton and Nelson...Cashman and Co. have failed to replace them with quality pitchers..Tanyon Sturtze ? Flash Gordon ?
The Yankees will be back because George will probably double the payroll once again, let's hope at least for Yankee fans he does it wisely...

Also what's the Red Sox payroll ? Red Sox fans speak as if these guys had the payroll of a Minnesota or a KC but I'd say they are DEFINATELY top 3...
Pedro, Schilling, Ramirez, Foulke all those guys were bought as well...
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