OMG! Complainers! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

OMG! Complainers!


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May 20, 2002
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You complain that Saban went for a need in Brown over Edwards.

By the same token, you complain that you didnt fill a need in the 2nd and 3rd by going DE and LB over OL/QB/WR..

WHAT GIVES!??! Do you realize the contradictions in your whining rants?
some are never happy...

our glaring need was rb...

saban has impressed me..
I'm quite happy. I just hope that the BPA available when we make our next 3 picks are at C/G, S, CB, or WR

:) :) Saban said I believe about the draft that he would draft impact players. He certainly has done that. Give the guy a chance he just got here. Go Phins.
Doom and Gloom and way back when everyone was agreeing that it would take awhile to gather the players that would be needed to straighten out the mess that was left by the previous coach. IMO Saban is doing a very good job with what he was left to work with. No second round pick, no sixth round pick, cap problems, the Ricky Williams debacle. Everyone knows Brown is a 1st round talent, but Roth and Crowder at one point or another were both projected as 1st round prospects and could both be impact players. It wasn't long ago I was reading posts here that people were complaining that there was no replacement for Zach Thomas at middle linebacker in case he was injured. Well Crowder has the size and abilities to be a very adequate replacement. The rebuild or tuneup this team needs is not a one draft project but it is a good start so far and I am confident with these picks rather than what we could have had if another coach was still here and he and Spielman were running the show. And as always this is JMO.
I personally was kind upset when I seen that we drafted D. Then I got to thinking that our offense is actually very young and inexperienced so we might really have some good talent there. Our D is aging and if we can start to fill in the puzzle of the D piece by piece as we lose players then we will always be ok. I look at the offense for a while and though well Booker and Chambers are a good pair of WR. Feeley although I'm not a big supporter has a chance of being ok and if he isnt Gus can probably get the job done for a year. We filled our giant hole at RB, and we have the best O-Line coach in the business. We actually look pretty good on offense so far. We added a lot of new guys on D through FA and then a couple good prospects through the draft. We might actually have a heck of a team next year!!

I cant wait to see what the mastermind does today!
i love the crowding pick in the 3rd what a steal there, im surprised he dropped there... matt roth i was kinda shocked about, but i guess that adds a young player to an old defensive line we got
SkapePhin said:
You complain that Saban went for a need in Brown over Edwards.

By the same token, you complain that you didnt fill a need in the 2nd and 3rd by going DE and LB over OL/QB/WR..

WHAT GIVES!??! Do you realize the contradictions in your whining rants?
I dont see any reason to whine about any of our picks so far. Brown was the talk of the combine, Roth is going to be a complete Stud, Crowder was projected to go higher and the best ILB on some boards. Daniels already understands our D and will contribute right away. He was also considered a 2nd round talent. I love the selections so far despite not having anyone but Daniels on my pre draft wish list.
I loved every pick from yesterday. While I admit I would have taken Elton Brown or Kyle Orton instead of Travis Daniels, I think Coach Saban knows a little more about football than I do. Coach Saban knows Daniels inside and out.
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