Practice Squad
after a loss like this, we all wanna say,"fire the coach", "get rid of Lamar, "we need we need THIS AND WE NEED THAT", etc............and I'm sure we all said that while watching that massacre. WE SUCKED AND I'M EMBARRASSED. Notice the PAST TENSE ON 'SUCKED'. Game over game set and match..........end of story. We all suck some weeks...even the Rams...........let's keep our heads up and stay proud to be a Dophins fan. Next Saturday will be here before you know it and this massacre will be way way way way behind us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LET'S KICK THE PATSYS ASSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S ALRIGHT........EVERYTHING IS GONNA BE ALRIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(at least i'll try to convince myself). COME O MIAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!COME ON MIAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET FIRED UP AND KEEP THE FAITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON MIAMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!