Randy is DEEPLY troubled! | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Randy is DEEPLY troubled!

fishbanger said:
This is the second police record of a beating so most likely more exist that have not been seen or reported. The only thing worse then a wife beater is a child beater. I would not provide a huge 8-9 million dollar signing bonus to a wife beater and I dont think Wayne H. is the type of person to do it.

My bet is McMichael wont be playing for the dolphins next year.

So, if you owned a business, you would hire and pay people based on their morals and ethical behavior, not their ability to perform their job. Remind me not to go for surgery in your hospital or fly on your airline. Bear in mind, guilty people can't work from jail. Tends to take care of itself that way.
Scrap said:
They try to wreck each other in Nascar.

I not trying to promote NASCAR, those teams dig it out week after week, lap after lap. If you think they just turn left, then you probably don't understand the complexity of the sport.

As for wrecks, RM is one. Hopefully the Miami brass will cancel any plans of giving this clown a big contract extension. You can counsel this fool all you want, he has all the breaks as an NFL pro and this is the way he handles his life. Besides he drops passes, he's overated and he can't control his emotions.
legendary137 said:
inFINSible said:
Was that when she came up behind him while he was throwing stuff out of the car??[/QUi didnt say...but the guy said he "saw Mr. McMichael turn to her and hit her in the face with what appeared to be some piece of cardboard in his punching hand." Why was he arrested then? His wife said she got hit from throwing debris. A man cant get arrested for throwing clothes out of the car. Come on guys, as much as i dont want to believe it, I think without a doubt he did it...I've seen this guy out drunk...he doesn't handle himself like an NFL Player is supposed to out in public.
That's what the trial is for, if it gets that far. To decide which witnesses are more reliable. It's already a 4-1 advantage for those saying that it was an accident. The one witness whose story that you're putting some much credence in, better be the most believable and qualified (as in line of sight, and such) that his word would carry more weight than the other four.

Either way, it may or may not be the dramatic one sided affair that you are claiming it to be without having all the facts.
inFINSible said:
legendary137 said:
That's what the trial is for, if it gets that far. To decide which witnesses are more reliable. It's already a 4-1 advantage for those saying that it was an accident. The one witness whose story that you're putting some much credence in, better be the most believable and qualified (as in line of sight, and such) that his word would carry more weight than the other four.

Either way, it may or may not be the dramatic one sided affair that you are claiming it to be without having all the facts.

i love you
Schleprock said:
I actually have a graduate degree in psychology...and I think you are the troubled one according to your post. 1st by the fact you are so troubled about this. 2nd by the fact that you don't have a clue in the world what is happening with them and you are making such ludicrous, assinine accusations about someone you have never spoken to.

I completely agree..........
raving said:
It seems like you and I are basically in consensus. The thing that I have been stating repeatedly on this message board since last summer, is that the probability that alcohol is involved does not in any way ease my sense of urgency about this guy needing help. It only heightens it. Also the idea that other people have posted the idea that his wife is "crazy" is so outrageous. I am totally convinced that she is equally culpable in this madness, but to the extent that she is more troubled then he is, is still HIS problem. If he chose someone unstable that is a commentary on his character as much as hers. And the FACT that so many posts have insinuated that she is the problem is exactly why I posted such a highly controversial statement as I did.

the point is that not enough info is available to speculate on this at all. just read any thread on this subject and you will know what i mean. the only ones who truly know what really has happened is the McMichaels them selves and whatever authorities actually are involved.

a point that i hold issue with in this post is your calling him on his character based on his possible choice of an unstable mate and his staying with her. again, i have no specific info regarding this however, abused persons generally do not leave their mates because of fear or an unrealistic belief that they will change. if she in fact is mentally and emotionally abusing or dominating him, he may believe that he is in control when he is not. he may believe that she will someday change and their family will remain intact.

there are several possibilities to all of this. i will reserve judgment until all is settled and all the powers that be do their thing. at that point you may be vindicated in your assessment. but then you may be vilified as well.

in any case, the only thing that can be said with any certainty is that both need help. that's it.
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