Randy is DEEPLY troubled! | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Randy is DEEPLY troubled!

legendary137 said:
your wrong...there was on witness who said he got a better glimpse and he said he saw randy hit her in the face with a piece of cardboard in his hitting hand. chack it out on either espn or sun-sentinel
Was that when she came up behind him while he was throwing stuff out of the car??
As for hitting women......


I don't hit women. I never have, and never plan to. However, when they came up with "Men shouldn't hit women", women didn't hit men either.

I've always told any woman I've been in a serious relationship that if they hit me, they are no longer a woman in my eyes. Man, or woman.......You hit me, and I'm gonna bring it right back at ya' full force. I've told every woman I've dated that, and have never been so much as even shoved. I don't lay hands on anyone, and they don't lay hands on me. A woman can hurt you just like a man can. To think otherwise is pretty dumb, imo.
inFINSible said:
Was that when she came up behind him while he was throwing stuff out of the car??[/QUi didnt say...but the guy said he "saw Mr. McMichael turn to her and hit her in the face with what appeared to be some piece of cardboard in his punching hand." Why was he arrested then? His wife said she got hit from throwing debris. A man cant get arrested for throwing clothes out of the car. Come on guys, as much as i dont want to believe it, I think without a doubt he did it...I've seen this guy out drunk...he doesn't handle himself like an NFL Player is supposed to out in public.
Justasportsfan said:
If she drank all my beer and hid the remote.
Funny, but also the problem here. If you create an environment where spousal abuse is OK then it happens more. Just like creating an atmosphere for racism or religious bigotry. It is in how you live everyday of you life and who you chose to associate with that lead to problems with some people. Like Justa here. See he makes a joke about beating his wife for drinking his beer. Now I'm sure he's got some white trash friends there in Buffalo who say the same things. Now what if Justa hears the lady next door(who he knows) getting beat up by her boyfriend and him screaming about her losing the remote. Does Justa:

A: Call the guy up and tell him to "give'er one for me"
B: Get some pals together to drink beer and watch
C: Get some pal together to beat his *** "Medieval Style"
D: Call the cops.
E: Don't get involved at all. Ignore it and hopefully it will go away.
F: Wonder where his remote is and beat his wife until she finds it.
Megatron said:
Funny, but also the problem here. If you create an environment where spousal abuse is OK then it happens more. Just like creating an atmosphere for racism or religious bigotry. It is in how you live everyday of you life and who you chose to associate with that lead to problems with some people. Like Justa here. See he makes a joke about beating his wife for drinking his beer. Now I'm sure he's got some white trash friends there in Buffalo who say the same things. Now what if Justa hears the lady next door(who he knows) getting beat up by her boyfriend and him screaming about her losing the remote. Does Justa:

A: Call the guy up and tell him to "give'er one for me"
B: Get some pals together to drink beer and watch
C: Get some pal together to beat his *** "Medieval Style"
D: Call the cops.
E: Don't get involved at all. Ignore it and hopefully it will go away.
F: Wonder where his remote is and beat his wife until she finds it.

G. Head to the Booby trap.
DOLPHAN1 said:
look, i don't agree with what appears to have happened in this situation. short of your life being in danger, there is no reason to strike a woman. especially if you are a finely tuned athlete. but to try and make this on parr with the "OJ esque" scenario, then you really are reaching. with the info that the general public has about this, it is almost impossible to to say that he is the only one with the problem. looks like alcohol has something to do with this and we have no idea what his wife is like.

more than likely these two need counseling and McMike needs to reduce his alcohol consumption.

yes, there is a small chance that this could escalate to an OJ level, but based on the info present, it is not likely. it is good that you wish him to get help but, at present, you are a little extreme in your diagnosis.

It seems like you and I are basically in consensus. The thing that I have been stating repeatedly on this message board since last summer, is that the probability that alcohol is involved does not in any way ease my sense of urgency about this guy needing help. It only heightens it. Also the idea that other people have posted the idea that his wife is "crazy" is so outrageous. I am totally convinced that she is equally culpable in this madness, but to the extent that she is more troubled then he is, is still HIS problem. If he chose someone unstable that is a commentary on his character as much as hers. And the FACT that so many posts have insinuated that she is the problem is exactly why I posted such a highly controversial statement as I did.
And people really have to wonder why NASCAR is getting so much bigger. Fans are sick and tired of rooting for self destructive, uneducated, violent, dumb a$$es. RM is an idiot and a coward. I have no problem moving forward without this fool on the team.
MonkeyDog said:
And people really have to wonder why NASCAR is getting so much bigger. Fans are sick and tired of rooting for self destructive, uneducated, violent, dumb a$$es. RM is an idiot and a coward. I have no problem moving forward without this fool on the team.
They try to wreck each other in Nascar.
Phinsdude said:
Look Man, I support you on the laying a finger to any female. You don't know the family, I do. You ever hear of a controlling wife, well without getting into detail with respect to 81, here's the deal. His wife is very controlling. For his B-day, he went out with a few friends, had fun. Got a call from his wife, didn't answer the phone. When he got home, she attacked him, where you been, why haven't you answered my calls, and a verbal argument occured. In that process, Randy need to use the bathroom, she would not let him, got in his way, he pushed her out of the way to get into the bathroom, and there is your domestic dispute in a nutshell. If you know the facts, you can judge, if you don't, why even bother. We are all fans of the Dolphins and realistically know without Randy this offense loses a huge dimension. Why get on the guy, he is the vocal leader of the offense, and would do anything for a Win.

I appreciate the information. Your premise only supports mine - that Randy is troubled. If his wife is so over-controlling, and outrageous then that is HIS problem. He needs to find a way to deal with this so either she does not get violent with him, and he does not get violent with her. To the extent that he does not address this highly relevant issue in a more mature and sophisticated manner - GET HELP! he is troubled. To the extent that he married to someone so hurtful, or controlling or whatever she is or she is not, he is troubled. What I want is for him to be is out of the papers once and for all with this crap, or if he stays in the paper let him do it on another team. I think the guy has great potential so I prefer him to stay here. He needs sobriety and a good marital therapist - (I can get him some names) especially because he has babies. I do not mean to down Randy, of course he has not needed my help in this department, but rather I mean to provoke the rather archaic excuse makers out of the wood work to emphasize what I have been saying about Randy and those who defend him on this site. About Randy - get some help, about others who defend him...
MonkeyDog said:
And people really have to wonder why NASCAR is getting so much bigger. Fans are sick and tired of rooting for self destructive, uneducated, violent, dumb a$$es. RM is an idiot and a coward. I have no problem moving forward without this fool on the team.

No, nascar is getting bigger because the country as a whole is getting exponentially dumber by watching TV shows like Survivor and American Idol.

The undereducated, violent dumb-*** athletes are just the icing on the cake.
This is the second police record of a beating so most likely more exist that have not been seen or reported. The only thing worse then a wife beater is a child beater. I would not provide a huge 8-9 million dollar signing bonus to a wife beater and I dont think Wayne H. is the type of person to do it.

My bet is McMichael wont be playing for the dolphins next year.
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