Randy McMichael arrested | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Randy McMichael arrested

Phinsdude said:
Donald Lee anyone.
Here's what I ask, on vacation or not, you are a football player, going through the toughest part of the season so far in a few weeks, season starts in 48 days. Why are you getting drunk, to the point of throwing up. You are a professional athlete, there is no need for a professional athlete to drink like that in season. Just my opinion. Wrong thing to do when he is asking for a new contract. All this does is give Chris Chambers agent more and more pull. The only Dolphin offensive player that stays away from trouble.

It was his birthday, give the guy a break about the drinking. It would be one thing if we were talking about some random week night.

All this does is give Chris Chambers agent more and more pull. The only Dolphin offensive player that stays away from trouble.

.........reading way too far into these one chief.
Driven said:
Are you defending him? You are saying it would be hard for a football player to get out of a corner if his wife was in the way?

If your wife got you in a corner, could you get her out of your way if you wanted to leave without hurting her?

You do it. You be put in that situation. It is an impossible situation to be in. What do you do, calmy grab her, lightly pick her up and calmly set her back down, and skip away in this magical land of make believe that you live in?

I am not defending him. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. Waiting for the facts of the case before I make a judgement.
Dang, If I knew his B-day was the same as mine he (and his wife) could of spent it with me and my family. We just had hamburgers and hotdogs with cake and ice cream. I know it sounds dull, but I'm past partying it up on my B-day.

que41 said:
I don’t think its fear to label either of them as an abuser.

We have all done sh…..t we regret. Hopefully they will learn from the incident and move on. They both will probably have to do about 12 weeks of anger management(one meeting a week) Once they complete the counseling the case will be thrown out. Why are people talking about cutting him? Come on; stop flying of the handle about one news report. I no the media is so fear and reliable:confused: :confused: :confused:

Lets get all the facts before we pass judgment

Because this is the Internet age. Everyone has their two cents, even if they have no business giving it. This whole ordeal is going to be an incredible pain in the ***. Smooth.
DrAstroZoom said:
Actually, Crunch seems to be summarizing the article below pretty well. So let's not crucify him just because he forgot the link.

Randy McMichael arrest details

Actually, he summed up Randy's side of things pretty well. According to his wife he hit her several times which Crunch conveniently left out of his summary.
It doesn't sound like there's a pattern of abuse here. I doubt there will be trouble in the long term.
catapano said:
oh boy here we go again the reporters are gonna have a field day with this one, i agree why get some chick banged up when you got all that doe it just doesnt make any sense sometimes i wonder if randy has any sense other than football sense?

I thought the article said that they've been married 12 months and she's only been pregnant the past six.

Maybe he got married because he loves her.
Are you defending him? You are saying it would be hard for a football player to get out of a corner if his wife was in the way?

If your wife got you in a corner, could you get her out of your way if you wanted to leave without hurting her?

If the woman in question is pregnant and blocking the way and you manhandle her in order to get past her to get out of the situation, that is assault on a pregnant woman...a 2nd degree felony.

I think overall we should refrain judgement until the details come out and even then because those details are likely to be skewed. Being a woman is not license to abuse someone without fear of reprisal, and a woman abusing you is not license to abuse her back.

We don't know if he just grabbed her to stop her from hitting him and she fell, or whether he really did grab her right arm to make her defenseless and start wailing on her. I do know that any criticism of him, or defense of him (and therefore criticism of her) is uncalled for at the moment.
InMyChambers said:
you guys all seem surprised!!? the way this offseason has gone i wouldn't be suprised if huiezenga is indicted on tax evasion in the coming weeks. this team has a 1 way ticket to disaster this season. i am not excited at all for this year.

Okay then don't post here.
Dol-Fan Dupree said:
What if the person backs you up in a corner? He was in a bathroom, it is hard to get out of there if she didn't want him too.

Give me a freaking break...Randy outweighs her by more than 100 pounds. Short of picking up a knife, she wasn't going to hurt him.
Damn, I guess he isn't getting anymore Macaroni and Cheese


PhinPhan1227 said:
Give me a freaking break...Randy outweighs her by more than 100 pounds. Short of picking up a knife, she wasn't going to hurt him.

I don't think you understood my point.

Also are you saying that being 100 pounds less then someone is an excuse for violence?
People seem to be questioning what Randy could have been thinking at the time. Well, it's obvious he wasn't thinking. He was severely drunk. Definitely not the optimal state of mind for rational thought. And as was mentioned before, nobody knows how to push buttons better than a husband and wife.

I'm sure they both are deeply sorry for this.
PhinPhan1227 said:
Give me a freaking break...Randy outweighs her by more than 100 pounds. Short of picking up a knife, she wasn't going to hurt him.

I don't know. If someone 100 pounds lighter than me starts punching me, and I don't do anything, I think I'm going to get hurt.
Muck said:
... it's obvious he wasn't thinking. He was severely drunk. Definitely not the optimal state of mind for rational thought.

Especially when you're drunk and in mid-puke. (Not to put too fine a point on it.)
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