Randy McMichael arrested | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Randy McMichael arrested

Dol-Fan Dupree said:
I don't think you understood my point.

Also are you saying that being 100 pounds less then someone is an excuse for violence?

I'm not excusing any actions that his wife may have done. And I'm sure that as with almost all things, she is certainly partly to blame. But Randy is ONLY responsible for HIS actions. And being a profesional athlete who wieghs almost twice what his wife weighs, he has no excuse IF he did hit her. None. 1st rule as a man-Don't hit women.
2nd rule as a man-Especially don't hit your wife
3rd rule as a man-Under NO circumstances EVER hit a pregnant woman in ANY way EVER. And if that woman is your wife you should have your a$$ beat into the ground.

Again, I won't pass judgment on Randy until the facts are established, but I also won't make any excuse for him if he DID strike her.
PhinPhan1227 said:
I'm not excusing any actions that his wife may have done. And I'm sure that as with almost all things, she is certainly partly to blame. But Randy is ONLY responsible for HIS actions. And being a profesional athlete who wieghs almost twice what his wife weighs, he has no excuse IF he did hit her. None. 1st rule as a man-Don't hit women.
2nd rule as a man-Especially don't hit your wife
3rd rule as a man-Under NO circumstances EVER hit a pregnant woman in ANY way EVER. And if that woman is your wife you should have your a$$ beat into the ground.

Again, I won't pass judgment on Randy until the facts are established, but I also won't make any excuse for him if he DID strike her.

I never made an excuse for him striking her. Again you misunderstood my point.
DrAstroZoom said:
I don't know. If someone 100 pounds lighter than me starts punching me, and I don't do anything, I think I'm going to get hurt.

My wife is half my size. Unless she picks up a brick, she couldn't hurt me if I just put my arms up to protect myself. If she bruised anything then it would be her knuckles.
PhinPhan1227 said:
When you make statements about him having to defend himself and being blocked into a bathroom, that's the impression you give.

No, that is the impression you decieded to read into it.
Dol-Fan Dupree said:
You do it. You be put in that situation. It is an impossible situation to be in. What do you do, calmy grab her, lightly pick her up and calmly set her back down, and skip away in this magical land of make believe that you live in?

I am not defending him. I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. Waiting for the facts of the case before I make a judgement.

I can understand where you are coming from and I think his wife was at fault for putting him that situation. I just think that any man can get himself out of that situation without harming a woman. Can you understand that?

Also, I am saying he is guilty. I am just talking about the situation that has been reported.
bobdroopy said:
Damn, I guess he isn't getting anymore Macaroni and Cheese



WIll I go to hell if I laugh at that? :chuckle: :fire: :smackhead
Muck said:
People seem to be questioning what Randy could have been thinking at the time. Well, it's obvious he wasn't thinking. He was severely drunk. Definitely not the optimal state of mind for rational thought. And as was mentioned before, nobody knows how to push buttons better than a husband and wife.

I'm sure they both are deeply sorry for this.

I wonder what the options are in a situation like this? Is going to counseling good enough or is he gonna have to spend time in jail?

They are both at fault for an unfortunate incident which will no doubt get blown waaaaaaaaaaay out of proportion both here and in the media.
i hope its not jail...you can all say oh we dont need him we have talented TE's without him but you know he is one of the best in the league and with him it not only opens up the passing game but also the running game
Driven said:
I can understand where you are coming from and I think his wife was at fault for putting him that situation. I just think that any man can get himself out of that situation without harming a woman. Can you understand that?

I understand, however I don't think that is possible unless he just stands there and takes it. Which is really hard to do, and I don't expect anyone to have that kind of self control. If you do have the self control to get yelled at, in a way that only a woman can yell at you, and hit at the same time. I am amazed.

I think it is good enough if you could pick her up and move passed her while trying not to hurt her. Chances are, you will.
SWS84 said:
I wonder what the options are in a situation like this? Is going to counseling good enough or is he gonna have to spend time in jail?


I would guess that the charges may be dropped because neither party will want to pursue it further.
Hmmm.... well, while there is no justification for assaulting a woman, I'd prefer to wait until it all shakes out before judging either of them.

I have been in a position, where, without physically moving a thrashing, out of control woman, I was forced to take the shots that snuck through my defensively raised arms. If a woman is wailing and flailing, there is no 100% defense against a lucky shot getting through. No matter how big or small either party is, a shot to the eye, mouth, nose etc can hurt. In my case, I remained completely defensive (with only few shots getting through resulting in a fat lip) UNTIL she started seriously trying to cause me harm by intentionally throuwing punches and kicking at the rather large, fresh inscision from abdominal surgery across my stomach. I was merely 2 months post-op, and with a 15" cut to perform extensive surgery to my liver... I was NOT about to take any chances. I grabbed her arms, and prevented her from doing what could have been serious internal damage. I then moved her out of my way, so I could get out of the room. This resulted in her forearms getting bruised, as well as her thighs, due to the fact that after I moved her, and let go of her arms, she continued to flail at me, lost her balance and fell against the door jam. She then called the police, and after listening to our stories, and observing each of us...they asked me if I wanted to press charges. I told them no, I was just going to leave.... It was then that I was informed that when the Police (at least in NJ, don't know if Fla is similar) respond to a domestic call, and see visible damage done to one of the parties (in this case ...me), they are required to press charges of their own against the agressor... so, off she went to the PD.
Not saying that Randy's incident was in any way similar... but when people are involved in a domestic dispute:
A: The Police have certain requirements that they HAVE to fulfill
B: Not everything is a "black and white" situation, and things are often not what they seem from the outside....

That said, let's not crucify Randy yet... we really don't know what happened...
phinman1 said:
Why these young sports stars get married young is beyond me. If I was a young star athlete in America, I'd be focusing on two things: working hard on my craft and going through all the women until I found just the right one. Which would take a while.

Attitudes like that are why these women get beat up by star athlete/husbands. The ones who get married and settled down usually turn out to be much more stable and less troublesome. Unfortunately, we have no good replacement for McMichael if he's not playing.
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