Report: Fins Escort Former GM Finalist From The Building | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Report: Fins Escort Former GM Finalist From The Building

Ross's plan is to make the Dolphins look as dysfunctional and pathetic as possible. He is doing so in order to break us as fans down to bring our expectations way down so we only hope to not be in the freakin news. The Dolphins are a laughing stock on and off the field and That was Ross's intention all along. Hopefully we are at the bottom now so we start our climb back up.
Ross's plan is to make the Dolphins look as dysfunctional and pathetic as possible. He is doing so in order to break us as fans down to bring our expectations way down so we only hope to not be in the freakin news. The Dolphins are a laughing stock on and off the field and That was Ross's intention all along. Hopefully we are at the bottom now so we start our climb back up.


Read below.
Yet again another exaggerated, blown out of proportion story involving the Dolphins. A story that the Miami Herald quietly edited to eliminate the "escort" part out. I said it before and I will say it again, our local reports/writers SUCK.
Better question would be, is his scout notes considered property of the Miami Dolphins? If yes, then his scout notes cannot be shared either verbally or on paper to other people.

CK would be better able to answer that question but I'd guess that his scouting notes are his property. He can keep them and use them but the Dolphins can as well. It would be impossible to enforce a ban on him using his own scouting notes since they are his own opinions.
Who wrote this hackjob of a POS article?? There's no author's name. There are errors in the article itself, like the Miami Herald link that points to a Washington Post piece that has NOTHING to do with the Miami Dolphins.

This is the worst content I've ever seen on CBS....
Once again the media is blowing something out of proportion. You would think Miami is the only team with problems. This subject is not different from any other team.
Escorting may be standard protocol in the corporate world but it still implies a lack of human trust and loyalty which stinks. You cannot purchase real loyalty or trust but that what is being implied when using the excuse "standard protocol" as a reason to justify being escorted from the building in Gaines case. You get a paycheck we buy your trust and loyalty once off the payroll there is none. Pretty inhumane way to run a world. Now that I am through that rant if Gaine was reading the same news out there the past few weeks we have been priviliged to read then he should have been getting the information together that would benefit him in landing his next job if he was smart. If that information hurt the Dolphins thats on the Dolphins as they have shown they have no loyalty to him nor trust him. You can be sure the corporate Dolphin side have written non compete type clauses written in Gaines contract implying they can sue for any information leaks on his part but that is pretty hard to enforce unless he wants to make it obvious. Dog eat dog world!
Maybe they should've left him take every information he wanted and burn every single piece of paper and erase every hard drive he and Ireland left behind.

Start from scratch.
But the story was on the internetz so it must be true...

You mean Gaines wasn't drug out of the building kicking and screaming while being pummeled by 2 large security guards that had a strange resemblance to both Jonathon Martin and Richie Incognito?
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