Rex Ryan has Tattoo of Wife wearing Sanchez's Jersey | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Rex Ryan has Tattoo of Wife wearing Sanchez's Jersey

The Jets are a comedy show of unlimited encores. You think they're gonna stop making you laugh, then they come out again and top themselves. How can you not love these guys?
It is a good thing Sanchez is a good quarterback, otherwise a Sanchez jersey on his arm would be even more ridiculous. Oh wait....
Roflmao! Seriously wtf? That is beyond bizarre, but I think what's worse is Rex without his shirt on. To bad this thread got moved of the main board so quick it has Thread Of The year potential in week one.

"thats nothing. Brandon Moore has a life-sized tattoo of Mark Sanchez on his butt."


It's more like a waffle branding from a facemask
I hope to hell that tattoo is fake. If not, he needs to get an arm transplant b/c that's the weakest **** I've ever seen.

That thread is amazing. My favorite post:

"Tebow: I'll do anything you want coach
Rex: Bang my wife, wildcat style while she calls you football Jesus.
Tebow: What?
Rex: You heard me, get in there godboy.
Tebow: I want out.
Rex: Oh you want out of the wildcat? Next man up, get in there Kerley.
Kerley: Sure thing (signals for fair catch). "
And here I thought nothing was funnier than the Jets being stuck with Marky Mark for one more season of total ****.
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