Ricky In Route To Miami | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ricky In Route To Miami


Retired FinHeaven Staff
Super Donator
Club Member
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
120 mi west of Costa Rica

Also, you can follow Williams as he makes the trek across this great land below. It will update daily. :wink:

I'll be welcoming him with open arms....ok Ricky, it's time to prove your heart is back in it.
now thats funny, almost aunt jamima funny lol

im also surprised he is driving, not flying..but then again they may check for weed at airports ><
That's one long drive. I remember when we drove from Cali. to NC. It felt like it took forever. I bet he'll get pulled over and arrested for possession. :lol:
byroan said:
That's one long drive. I remember when we drove from Cali. to NC. It felt like it took forever. I bet he'll get pulled over and arrested for possession. :lol:
One could only hope. This soap opera needs to be ended once and for all.
must be really bad that he has to drive and can´t afford a plane ticket
Shouldn't he be in oklahoma by now? When he gets to miami I think all the fins fans should be on the sides of the road cheering like they did for michael jackson.
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