Rookie Minicamp Thread | Page 22 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Rookie Minicamp Thread

Did they have white out back then Ray?

I sucked at typing. We used typewriters as well. 35 words per min but at least I wasn't a chicken pecker. The gal next to me was really good. Not sure about her typing skills but she was good at all things chicken.
I'm a two finger - "Hunt & Pecker"
Say "Hunt & Pecker" three times in a row as fast as you can.
Gotcha. - LOL
Patrick Paul's facemask makes him look like the Alien that Arnold was fighting in the Predator. LOL
I believe the Alien in the movie IS the predator...the Predator...😂

It reminds me of the Bane mask, a lil bit.
WTF?????? .....

So I take it you're a "leg man"?
Malik has tested as very explosive in the VJ, 42.5" and BJ, 126". His quad development IMO indicates why he does. Tahj tested more in the middling range in the VJ, 35", and BJ, 122. If he has similar quad development then my theory would be null and void.
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