Ross is a complete utter failure of an owner | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ross is a complete utter failure of an owner

You can't continue to change coaches after every year.....get the players who can play and then evaluate the coaches not the other way around.....keep some kind of consistency in this organization before bringing in new coaches......I am no fan of Ross but he did the right thing.....get ahead of the pitch fork crowd and start the off season looking at personnel instead of dangling your head coach around for a month
You can't continue to change coaches after every year.....get the players who can play and then evaluate the coaches not the other way around.....keep some kind of consistency in this organization before bringing in new coaches......I am no fan of Ross but he did the right thing.....get ahead of the pitch fork crowd and start the off season looking at personnel instead of dangling your head coach around for a month

Yeah because a consistency of completely blowing every season is what this franchise needs. What kind of trend do you think rewarding this sets? Not a winning one, thats for damn sure.
You can't continue to change coaches after every year.....get the players who can play and then evaluate the coaches not the other way around.....keep some kind of consistency in this organization before bringing in new coaches......I am no fan of Ross but he did the right thing.....get ahead of the pitch fork crowd and start the off season looking at personnel instead of dangling your head coach around for a month
Bro how many more years of mediocrity must we the fans endure?
From Ross' perspective he made a great decision. He got his favorite coach (Harbaugh) to go to his favorite team (Michigan).

And his favorite NFL team just won its regular season finale in Miami, too!
And his favorite NFL team just won its regular season finale in Miami, too!

Yup. Ross isn't angry right now. He's gonna go have a $300 a plate tasting course, a couple of bottles of wine, fly home on his private jet and sleep like a baby.
This is our owner. He parades Joe around saying he's the guy after a win, and then Philbin shows his ture colors AGAIN! Ross is no team owner, and has no idea of what he's doing. This smacks of keeping Sparano while courting Harbaugh. You make the decision to keep this clown BEFORE the end of the season where normal owners make rational decisions.
lol the funny thing is Ross said it wasn't the Vikings win that convinced him to bring Philbin back. Was is the drubbing 41-13 drubbing by NE or the 28-13 beatdown at home by the Ravens that convinced him Philbin was the guy?
Chris Kouffman ‏@ckparrot 14m14 minutes ago
Seriously would love to see Ross change his mind based on today's total meltdown. But not holding my breath.

Joe ‏@oneballbiscuit 13m13 minutes ago
@ckparrot dude too busy celebrating Harbaugh to UM...probably doesn't even know Fins lost...

last week he didn't know we were eliminated from the playoffs, so I could believe it.
You can't continue to change coaches after every year.....get the players who can play and then evaluate the coaches not the other way around.....keep some kind of consistency in this organization before bringing in new coaches......I am no fan of Ross but he did the right thing.....get ahead of the pitch fork crowd and start the off season looking at personnel instead of dangling your head coach around for a month

It's been 3 years of the same mediocre game play. I'd agree if it was his first and even gave him a pass after the 2nd year, but come on now 3 strikes and you're out imo moreso if you don't make the damn playoffs in any of those years.
Now if Ross fires Philbin tomorrow it makes it that much harder to get a coach to come here. Who wants to work for a guy who: Who puts his Alma Mater's needs before his own team. looks for a new coach while he already has a coach employed, caters to Goodell and handicaps his team by giving away home games asks for less 1pm home games. And of course a guy that fires a coach after he said he's coming back? That's if Ross goes back on his word and fires Philbin tomorrow. He'll be seen as the most untrustworthy owner ever.
For those fans that say keep Philbin another year and see what happens what's going to change in 2015 besides a few new faces?
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