SABAN CAN "TAME" T.O... | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums


I know this sounds funny or weird but there may be one way to give TO a break...Any team that trades for him (or signs him as a free agent) should force him to get a pscyhiatric eval and take any and all medication (and counseling) that is prescribed to him as part of any new contract. Otherwise he forfeits everything (including signing bonus). I wouldn't be surprised if there were something wrong with his brain (from a chemical standpoint). Still, he would still wouldn't be worth 7 mil a year. He'd have to settle for alot less. IMO.
look i would love to have t.o. but i think saben should talk it by with the team and see what they think and if they dont like it he shouldn't do it b/c he could mess up what we got going on
I'd only take a chance on T.O. if and only if we could get him at a good deal or a bargain. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother..we already have a good receiving core. Chambers is the man!
marino2duper73 said:
I have followed the Terrel Owens saga since his days in S.F. IMO I don't think he has had a coach that embraced his abilities, as well as his competitive fire. Now, I completely agree that Andy Reid is one of the best coaches in the NFL, known for his commitment to his players and his team(s). I don't know that T.O. has had an opportunity to be in a system where he would be a co-number 1 receiver. In Philly, he was playing with a team that had alot of talent on offense. But I didn't get the impression that T.O. was necessarily utilized to his potential. I think Coach Saban could mold T.O. into a team player with the right approach, as he did with Ricky Williams, Channing Crowder, Randy McMichael, and let's not forget that one crying Manuel Wright. Saban has turned them into believing that self-acheivment only happens through teamwork. I know Saban has thought about how he would institute an approach to taming Terrel Owens and bringing out his full potential. I see Saban as a guy who leads by example through what his players do on AND off the field.

Note: I remember the subject of reforming Ricky was a concern when news of his return was confirmed. Why couldn't Saban do the same with T.O.? Thoughts from all my beloved Fin Fans would be appreciated...

the only one who IMO can "tame" T.O. is probably bill parcells
The thing is it's not up to Chambers, Booker, McMichael or Frerrotte on wether Saban wants to bring in T.O. If Saban feels that Owens can help this team win games and win Super Bowls he will not hesitate on bringing him in and there is not a thing that any of those players can do about it. Remember when Jason Taylor and Zach Thomas didn't want Ricky back. Well Saban brought him back cuz he's the man that makes the final decision and he knew Ricky would help them win ball games. It would not surprise me at all if T.O. is wearing a Dolphins uniform come mini-camp.
So what zach, Jt, and roth throw TO into a closet shut the door; Three minuets later Jt comes out then thomas and finally roth. And To is never heard of or seen again.
So if it goes down like that goahead and bring him to MIAMI I'll buy tickets fer dat' show.
Ricky Williams and Terrel Owens are two entirely differant creatures. As a matter of fact, I could not think of two better opposites. Could Nick Saban reform him? Possibly, not likely but for the sake of argument lets say he could. Saban is not the kind of coach that is going to give into demands, so it would have to be TO acomidating, not the other way around. It would take time for TO to become anything resembling a "team player" and when he did he would silently hate it and despise everything going on around him. He may not speak out to the press but he would sure as hell do some talking in the locker room. What I see is fist fights between Owens and Zach or McMichael; shoving matches in the middle of training camp, fines, suspensions, 15 yard penaltys and quite possibly him demanding a trade or refusing to play for a certain quarterback.

...Or we could just keep the pro bowl reciever we already have and win 12 games this year.
Finfanforever said:
The players (Chambers, McMichaels, others) have spoken...they DON'T want him. I think this kills any chance he comes here. Saban, and apparently his players, are big on chemistry. Hopefully this is the last thread on T.O..

You ought to re-post this one more time It's the only real conclusion to this non-sense.
marino2duper73 said:
that's what e:D veryone here said about Ricky.

Except for leaving, Ricky never disrupted the lockerroom/team. He was very soft spoken and did not like publicity much. TO thrives on it, and does not care about team, as long as he is in the spotlight.
cornell said:
Except for leaving, Ricky never disrupted the lockerroom/team. He was very soft spoken and did not like publicity much. TO thrives on it, and does not care about team, as long as he is in the spotlight.

you are half right rickster always shunned the spotlight Howeva'
TO dose not thrive in the poop storms he stirs up he's shut down and sat down. if thats thriving Keep on talkin punk.
Problem with that realm on thinking is, if TO sits another 'full' year...he'll be 34, trying to return...
marino2duper73 said:
But I didn't get the impression that T.O. was necessarily utilized to his potential.

huh? what other offense was there? No running game, no other Wr other than TO. They're whole gameplan was pass to TO. Maybe they tossed it to westbrook out of the bcakfield once in a while, but other than that it was TO all day long -- short, long, slants. How much more could he possibily have been utilized??
finfan54 said:
He ended up in Philly at the last minute and picked the most stingiest organization in the league. The way he went about getting his deal was completely stupid and all his fault. I think his actions can be cured by simply him being on a good team with a top pay like he deserves.

I disagree. Philly was a very good team, and even though I concur that T.O. was worth more than what he was getting paid, it wasn't like he had to settle for any soup lines, either.

The problem here is that T.O. is just incredibly immature and selfish. If the world does not revolve around him, he will be a cancer. If Chambers and McMichael get too many touches, he'll be a cancer. If our QB misses him being open, he'll be a cancer.

Can he change? Possibly. But at 33 I wouldn't bet on it. Saban can't make him do anything. He has to want to change. I don't think we should bet on the possibility.
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