Sam Bradford has amazing pro day | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Sam Bradford has amazing pro day


Active Roster
Aug 26, 2009
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Southern California
Oklahoma QB Sam Bradford completed a perfect 50-of-50 passes at the Sooners' Monday Pro Day.
He was also jacked up in terms of his build. Pro Days are geared toward making players look as good as possible, but Bradford was as sharp as can be, exhibiting a quick release, plenty of velocity on throws outside the numbers, and outstanding accuracy. We noticed just one throw behind his intended target (Jermaine Gresham still gathered it in), and he delivered one wobbler on a 40-yard slant-go. Rams GM Billy Devaney was undoubtedly impressed.
Source: John E. Hoover on Twitter

i know its nothing to concern us but the kid sounds promising i thought people who are fans of the draft/nfl should know.
He should had a couple of 300 O-linemen fall on his shoulder and prove he can take a hit.
This is great news. One more player for sure going ahead of us. Lets someone else drop to us.
GIl Brandt said he was almost speechless and that he went 49 for 50 with one drop. He's either #1 or #4 now. Great news. Bucs should be happy, they get one of the DTs now in my mind.
Guess who else had a phenomenal pro day a few years back... ALEX SMITH!! Pro days mean jack squat.
Im starting to believe Berry/Bryant will be at our pick possibily. Obviously this is a very very unlikely posibility , but I will not be surprised. Did Clausen have his pro day yet?
He's a good player. I agree about the injury concerns. He did bulk up, so that should help. I'd rather have Bradford than Stafford. Stafford is a moron, and that'll catch up to him in the pro-game with lots of INTs....reminds me a lot of Grossman. Great arm, not enough upstairs. Bradford is a good #1. And unlike Alex Smith, Bradford proved he could play well against elite competition week-in and week-out.
If the rams draft him at 1 and he stays healthy he will be a really good QB
Guess who else had a phenomenal pro day a few years back... ALEX SMITH!! Pro days mean jack squat.

Yeah and look what he did once the team became more stable and he wasn't out there trying to do it by himself. IMagine if the NFL did what the use to do and let guys learn for a few years. Maybe more of these guys wouldn't be busts.

Hard to believe a young QB does horrible on the last place team from the year before and has 5 OCs in 6 years. crazy thinking.
Great! Hopefully, McCoy looks fantastic in his pro day, Clausen is lights out, and Pete Caroll keeps pumping Tebow up. I'd love to see Bradford and Clausen go before 12, and McCoy and Tebow before 43.
Great! Hopefully, McCoy looks fantastic in his pro day, Clausen is lights out, and Pete Caroll keeps pumping Tebow up. I'd love to see Bradford and Clausen go before 12, and McCoy and Tebow before 43.

So would I.

This is enough for me to rank him #2 overall on my board. I was really worried about that shoulder of his. I had him as a #1 overall about 27 months ago when he was just off his freshman season. But, he's been through a lot since then and I needed to make sure that shoulder looks OK because I'm no doctor.
We dont know the shoulders "ok".

Did they do the "my team has no O-line" drill where 250-300lbs D-lineman hit him?

All it takes is one hit and he's done...I really hope the Rams let him sit for a season and not throw him in there in September....For his sake.
He's a good player. I agree about the injury concerns. He did bulk up, so that should help. I'd rather have Bradford than Stafford. Stafford is a moron, and that'll catch up to him in the pro-game with lots of INTs....reminds me a lot of Grossman. Great arm, not enough upstairs. Bradford is a good #1. And unlike Alex Smith, Bradford proved he could play well against elite competition week-in and week-out.

What a shock ...says gator fan....He will be fine
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