Scott Shields coverted to linebacker? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Scott Shields coverted to linebacker?


Perennial All-Pro
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Mar 2, 2002
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From Sporting News...
Safety Scott Shields, who is excelling in Europe, could also face a switch to linebacker. At 6-4, 229 pounds, he has better size than Symonette and has been physical in Europe.

I think is not a bad idea to try him out at Linebacker.Who knows he might just be a better linebacker...What you guys think?
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I watched him play the other week and was impressed with his ability to chase the ball down. He seemingly was all over the field. But I'm skeptical about the LB job. I'd give it a shot, just to see if it fit like PB and J.
I have seen a couple of his games in Europe and he has impressed. Now, before everyone jumps on me, I know it is not a great level of talent. All I am saying is that he seems to have some skills that may transtae to the NFL.

From what I know about him, his main problem when he first came into the league with the Stillers, was that he wouldn't really stick his nose in there too much. From what I have read and seen, this seems to not be the case anymore.

Hey, what could we lose? 6'4" 229. Nice size. Stranger things have happened. I for one will be pulling for this guy. They just cut LB Corey Moore, so maybe that could have something to with wanting to give him a try at LB.
I do not think he has the bulk to play LB at 6'4 229 - Zach is 5'3" and 230. Shields may be too lanky and that would equate to easy to block.
Originally posted by dolphan39
I do not think he has the bulk to play LB at 6'4 229 - Zach is 5'3" and 230. Shields may be too lanky and that would equate to easy to block.

Is not like he will be our starter ...If he adapts to the postion and plays well then the Dolphins will ask him to bulk up.Now days with all supplements out there is not that hard to bulk up.
He would need to bulk up a bit... but then he ma lose a little speed. I like the guy, he seems to play hard, he might work out if given a fair chance...
Originally posted by WharfRat
He would need to bulk up a bit... but then he ma lose a little speed. I like the guy, he seems to play hard, he might work out if given a fair chance...
have not seen him play, but know he was a #2 pick -

could he beat out Gamble and/or Wooden and/or McGarrahan ?


could he beat out Twan Russell or Gaylon or Hendricks ?
He couldn't beat out Hendricks. That guys a demon. It would be tough to crack that top six. Honestly, I'd love to see him at strong safety. But if he's got adequate LB speed, then move him.
He's monster right where he's playing in NFLE, I think he could play in the NFL..The teams are allocating a lot more players to the Europe league and the talents a lot better than it use to be..I also like D. Brown over there..He's had great games..could be a sleeper for us..The Bills have that RB Curtis Alexander over there getting good reps and getting his timing down pretty good..They may have a 3rd down back in him..a pretty scary 3rd down back.
Paris Johnson?

What ever happened to that guy?
I remember watching him last year in the preseason and thought he looked pretty good.:) :confused:
Just another guy that probably got caught up in a numbers game. Most of the guys that are even just in an NFL camp are extremely talented to a certain extent. There is such a fine line between what it takes to make it at this level and just being another guy that looks pretty good in preseason.
Shields had a good rookie year (2nd round pick) and was regularily in Pittsburgh's nickel and dime defenses recording 25 tackles (16 solo), 4 Ints, 1 sack, 6 passes defensed and a forced fumble. Don't quite know what happened to him the following year though.
The knock on Shields has always been that he's a daisy when it comes to being physical. Even his good rookie year with the Steelers he was a pass cover guy mainly. Why in the world all the sudden people would entertain thoughts of him moving to LINEBACKER, where his cover skills would pretty much go to waste and his lack of physical toughness would be further exposed, is beyond me.
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